
Attorney General’s Chambers of St Lucia

Website of the Attorney General of St Lucia, the principal legal advisor to the Government. The Attorney General’s Chambers includes the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property, the Legislative Drafting Unit and the Advice and Litigation Department. The site has information on all the functions and an organisational structure of the department. The Attorney General is also responsible for the revision, consolidation and publication of laws and the Revised Laws of St Lucia (2021) can be viewed in full text on the site.

Government of Anguilla

Website of the Anguillian government which provides information aimed at residents and visitors to the island. Anguilla is a British dependent territory in the Eastern Caribbean. There is information on the role of the government departments including the Attorney General’s Chambers which offers selected laws in full text and the Judicial Department which includes the courts, registries and coroner’s office. There is also a link to Anguilla Laws, a commercial site, where Anguillian legal information can be purchased.

Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic

Official website of the Dominican Constitutional Court. The site gives information about the Court and its members, news items and full text judgements back to 2012. The Constitution and other laws governing the Court can also be found here. Copies of the Dominican Journal of Constitutional Law, published by the Court, can be viewed along with information about the work of the Center for Constitutional Studies, a research and training body set up to support the work of the Court. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Judiciary of the Dominican Republic

The Judiciary website provides information on the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) the highest court in the Dominican Republic and the Council of the Judiciary which is the body responsible for judicial administration and discipline. There are profiles of the judges for both bodies along with judgements of the SCJ and decisions of the Council. The Dominican Constitution and legislation governing the judiciary are also available. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

National School of the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic

Website of the National School of the Judiciary which is responsible for providing training to members of the judiciary in the Dominican Republic. There are details of training programmes, news items and webinars which are free to view. The site also has a virtual library providing free access to legislation and decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court. An online archive (1977 to 2015) of the legal journal Revista de Ciencias Juridicas is also given in full text. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Researching the Laws of Puerto Rico

Online guide to Puerto Rico law written by Eduardo Colón Semidey who is a contributor to the Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI) programme. The guide was published in 2022 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives background information to Puerto Rico, an outline of the governmental structure, court system and primary sources of law with links to resources where available. A list of legal journals and electronic legal resources is also given.

Judiciary of Bermuda

This part of the Bermuda Government’s website provides information on the court system and judiciary in Bermuda with sections dealing with the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Magistrates Court and the Supreme Court Registry. The site outlines the role of each court and gives weekly schedules, annual reports and contact details. Full text judgements are given for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal back to 2007.

Bermuda Parliament

Official website of the Bermuda Parliament which is a bicameral legislature with two chambers - the House of Assembly (a lower house of elected members) and the Senate (the upper house with appointed members). The site has profiles of MPs and details of parliamentary committees. There are also bills, statutory instruments, standing orders and parliamentary questions given  for both houses. Hansard is available for the House of Assembly back to 2010.

Guide to Legal Research in Cuba

Online guide to the law and legal materials of Cuba written by Yasmin Morais who is the Cataloguing and Reference Librarian at the Mason Law Library, University of the District of Columbia. The guide was published in 2015 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives a brief history of Cuba and an overview of the country’s legal system. There are also links to legal sources, government departments, law schools, journals and blogs as well as a reading list.

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