
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia was established by the Cambodian government with the assistance of the UN to serve as an independent body for trying former members of the Khmer Rouge for serious crimes (genocide and human rights abuses) committed during the Khmer Rouge regime 1975-1979. Its website provides information about the role of the Extraordinary Chambers makes available court proceedings, court rules and other legal documents, together with speeches, news articles and photographic images of the hearings.

Cambodia Tribunal Monitor

The Cambodia Tribunal Monitor is a consortium of academic and non-profit organisations providing news, information and commentary on the work of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), the special court set up to investigate and bring to justice senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge. The site has background and historical information about the Tribunal and the Khmer Rouge regime. There is documentation, webcasts of trial proceedings and video and written commentaries on the Tribunal.

Asia Legal Information Network

The Asia Legal Information Network (ALIN) was set up by the Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) in 2003 as a voluntary network of governmental, academic and research organisations willing to provide access to legal information and resources managed by each of them. ALIN offers a small collection of articles, laws, regulations and conference papers. Some resources are restricted to members only.

Asian Legal Information Institute

The Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII) website provides free access to legal materials from all 28 countries and territories in Asia, as well as the regional organisations, APEC, ASEAN and SAARC. It includes legislation, case law, law reform reports, treaties, a few law journals and other legal material, along with links to other law sites. The content can be searched or browsed; searches can be limited to one country, or extended to all countries. 

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