
Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives

Website of the Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives (BILI) an independent policy organisation focused on reform of the judiciary and the establishment of a more transparent, accountable and predictable governance in Bulgaria. Details of current and past projects are given on the site including civic monitoring of public appointments and the Transparent Parliamentary Appointments Initiative. BILI publications are also free to view online. The site can be viewed in Bulgarian and English.

Constitution of Bulgaria

Electronic copy of the 1991 Constitution of Bulgaria made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and is amended up to 2015. There are chapters on citizenship, the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, the role of the National Assembly, President, Council of Ministers and the judiciary.

Supreme Judicial Council

This website of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) provides information in Bulgarian and English. Details of the history, composition and administration of the SJC are given. Links are provided to the English version of the Constitution of Bulgaria, Judicial System Act, Regulation of the Supreme Judicial Council, and the bylaws of the SJC. Lists of Bulgaria’s judicial districts, district and administrative courts, and prosecutors’ officers are provided.

Government of the Republic of Bulgaria

This is the official website of the Bulgarian government. It provides links to the home pages of the main government departments including health, the economy and foreign policy. It also enables access to recent government documents, official reports, legislation and budgets covering all aspects of economic, political and social policy, including relations with the European Union. All information is offered in English or Bulgarian.

World Law: Bulgaria

Section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service covering the Republic of Bulgaria. The site offers browse and search facilities including links to Court sites, Government, Law Reform, Legislation, Other Indexes, Parliament and Research Centres for Bulgaria. Further subject areas include: Capital Markets, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Privatisation and Secured Transactions. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Bulgaria on all of World Law. World Law was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria

Official website of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court described on the site as being a "politically independent body which ensures the supremacy of the Constitution". There is historical and background information on the Court covering its composition, competencies and how a case can be taken to the Constitutional Court. There are profiles of the judges and a full-text copy of the Constitution. Summaries of decisions are given from 1994 onwards. A page of links to other Constitutional Courts is also given. The site can be viewed in English as well as Bulgarian.

Center for the Study of Democracy

The Center for the Study of Democracy is an independent, interdisciplinary institute which aims to foster democracy and reform in Bulgaria. Its website includes links to current projects, publications, and papers (some in Bulgarian, some in English), covering Law, Europe, Economy, Judicial Reform, Corporate Governance, and Book Donation. There is a section about Vitosha Research, which covers the market, social, political, advertising and media issues. There is also a 'News and Events' section, covering current activities of the centre, and a section profiling centre staff.

Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria

Official website of the Bulgarian Patent Office, with registers of patents, trade marks and geographical indications (et cetera) and a database of decisions. The 'IP Objects' page provides information about patents, designs, trade marks and related topics, including relevant legislation (in English). 'The official bulletin of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria' is available, together with a collection of reports (all in Bulgarian) and there is an information page for SMEs.

Invest Bulgaria Agency: legal framework

Information on business and investment law in Bulgaria provided by the Invest Bulgaria Agency (IBA). Covers foreign trade and customs, taxation, investment incentives, Bulgarian residency, employment law and property. There is also information on setting up a business and guidance on the law relating to specific sectors including robotics, health and life sciences, electronics, and IT. Includes the text of key legislation, such as the Investment Promotion Act and the Corporate Income Taxation Act (under 'Legal Guide'). The site is available in English and Bulgarian.

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