
Portal da legislaçao

Official Brazilian legislation portal, providing federal legislation and federal bills, together with links to state legislation, federal cases and treaties. The federal legislation section includes the Constitution, codes, laws, decrees and bills; there is a separate section for historical legislation, which goes back to the early nineteenth century.

United States Senate

Website of the United States Senate, the upper chamber of Congress. Provides information about senators and Senate committees.The Legislation and Records section includes schedules and calendars; the Congressional Record from 1989/90 (101st Congress) onwards; and details of Senate votes, ongoing legislation and treaty approvals. The Reference page provides statistics, bibliographies, a glossary and other resources.

Congreso Nacional Chile

Official site of the Congreso Nacionale Chile (Chilean National Parliament). The Parliament comprises the ‘Cámara de Senadores’ Senate (Upper House) and the ‘Cámara de Diputados’ (Chamber of Deputies). The section of the site relating to the Upper House provides background information about the structure of the Senate and about individual committees covering different subject areas and the status of bills currently in progress. Full-text access is also available to the Fundamental law of the Chilean Parliament (Ley Orgánica) and to the Chilean Constitution.

Assemblée Nationale du Burundi

The website of the National Assembly of Burundi describes its history, function and structure. Also provided are the parliamentary agenda, parliamentary bills and the text of legislation enacted from 2004 onwards. The website is in French. Some information on the history and structure of the Assembly is provided in English.


Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.


DIP is the documentation and information system of the German national parliament, the Bundestag. It provides parliamentary papers – including bills – and parliamentary debates from December 1976 onwards. The main DIP page covers the 16th parliamentary term onwards (18th October 2005 - ). Users may browse this section of the site by theme, or select the dedicated search facilities for consultations (Beratungsabläufe), activities (Aktivitäten) or documents (Dokumente). For documents from earlier parliamentary terms, select ‘DIP 8.-15 Wahlperiode’. The site is entirely in German.

Le Parlement federal de Belgique

This website is a portal to the two houses of the Belgian parliament: the Chamber (De Kamer or La Chambre) and the Senate (De Senaat or Le Sénat). The Chamber’s website provides details of parliamentary bills and proposals, which can be browsed by number, author, subject or parliamentary session. The agenda and reports of the plenary session are also available. The Senate’s website provides access to a wide range of legislative documents including proposals and bills, motions for resolutions and revisions of the Constitution.

Government Press, Sri Lanka

The website of the Sri Lankan government printer makes available acts from 1980 onwards, bills from 2003 onwards and the official gazette from March 2006 onwards. These documents are generally available in Sinhala, Tamil and English, but some are only in one or two of these languages. Tender notices are also available.

Parliament of Singapore

The website of the Parliament of Singapore provides minutes of parliamentary proceedings from November 2006 onwards, recent select committee reports, bills from 2002 onwards and other official publications. Background information about the institution is also available.

National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

This is the official website of the Nigerian parliament. It provides information on the work, membership and structure of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Reports of Assembly proceedings (Hansard), details of current bills, order papers and notices are available on the site; publications of the Policy Analysis and Research Project are also provided. There is an archive of older documentation.

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