
Tanzania Legal Information Institute

Website of the Tanzania Legal Information Institute (TanzLII), a project of the Tanzanian Judiciary, providing free access to Tanzania law in partnership with AfricanLII and Laws.Africa. Judgements from the various high courts and courts of appeal can be browsed by court and searched by date, name or judge. Tanzanian consolidated legislation, updated to 30th November 2019, can be browsed by title and viewed in full. The Tanzania Government Gazette is available from 2006 to date along with Judiciary of Tanzania publications and guidelines.

Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

The Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR) is an independent, educational research centre focusing on good governance and development issues in Zambia and Southern Africa. SAIPAR’s legal research projects include the Zambia Legal Information Institute (ZamLII) and the Judgment Commentary Unit which provides commentaries on selected judgments from courts in the Southern African region.

National Assembly of Angola

Official website of the National Assembly of Angola (Assembleia Nacional), the main legislative body of Angola. The site gives details of Assembly members and information on the roles of the different sections of the National Assembly – the plenary, president, bureau and standing committee. Details of committees and working groups are also given. The site outlines the legislative process and there is a copy of the Constitution along with laws concerning the National Assembly and its work. The site can be viewed in Portuguese only.

Bar Association of Angola

The Bar Association of Angola is the body responsible for regulating and providing access to the legal profession in Angola. The website has the regulations governing the practice of law in Angola along with the Bar Association statutes and codes of practice. There are contact details for members of the national and provincial councils and a directory of lawyers working in Angola. The site can be viewed in Portuguese only.

South Sudan Peace Process Archive

The South Sudan Peace Process Archive is a project of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). The project focuses on the negotiations of 2013 – 2015 that attempted to end the conflict that began in South Sudan in late 2013. An overview and interactive timeline of the conflict and peace process is given on the site. The archive includes agreements, statements, progress reports, draft proposals, correspondence and other relevant documents which can be searched by date, author, type or keyword. A link to USIP’s other work on peace processes is also given.


Afriwise is a subscription website providing legal information on a range of African countries including laws, regulations, legal news and guidance. Topics covered include employment, immigration, competition, environmental, intellectual property and taxation law. 

OHADA: Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa

This is the official website of OHADA. The main part of the site provides the OHADA Treaty and OHADA uniform acts in English and French; it also has recent cases from the Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage and legal commentary (‘Doctrine’), but these are in French only. A larger repository of OHADA documentation can be found in the Digital Library: all issues of the OHADA Journal Officiel (Official Gazette), cases from 2010 onwards, uniform acts and other material, all in French.


The LandWise website is hosted by Resource Equity, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to advance women's right to land and resources. The database brings together legal materials, including codes, constitutions and legislation, as well as reports and articles relating to women’s land rights. Content can be searched by keyword and filtered by language, jurisdiction or material type. The full text content can be downloaded or viewed on the original website. A selection of practice guides focusing on land and property rights in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is also provided.

Southern and Eastern African Regional Centre for Women’s Law

The Southern and Eastern African Regional Centre for Women’s Law (SEARCWL) is housed within the Faculty of Law at the University of Zimbabwe. It is engaged in training, teaching, research and publication in the area of women's law, socio-legal and human rights issues. Research papers, dissertations and theses produced by SEARCWL are available on the website in pdf format and details of its courses are provided. The E-Resources section provides e-journals, e-books and other material.

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