administrative law

Finland Supreme Administrative Court (Korkein Hallinto-Oikeus)

The website of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland provides cases from 2002 onwards (in Swedish or Finnish) and selected case summaries in English from 2017 onwards. It also makes available the Court's annual reports, together with procedural and other information. The full site is available in Finnish and Swedish, with limited versions in Sami, English and French.

Raad van State: Conseil d'Etat: Staatsrat: the Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium

Web pages of the Raad van State, or Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium, which was set up in 1946 to allow Belgians an effective appeal against irregular administrative acts. The pages are available in three different language interfaces: Dutch, French and German. Users can search the full-text of decrees of the Court, and results can be displayed in Dutch or French, and in PDF. The site also offers answers to frequently asked questions about the Court, and explains its legal background.

European Ombudsman

The European Ombudsman (EO) is appointed by the European Parliament to consider complaints about the administration of European Union bodies and to adjudicate in cases of maladministration; the Ombudsman also carries out own-initiative inquiries. The EO website includes a database of pending and concluded cases; case documentation can also be browsed by type of document (decision, recommendation, and so on) and year (1990s onwards).

BIJUS: Dokumentarische Schnittstelle zweier Rechtskulturen

BIJUS is a joint project between the Universities of Saarland in Germany and Nancy in France to promote communication between French and German lawyers. The first part is a bibliography to enable German lawyers to search for books on French law by using terms in German. The reverse is available in French. The second part provides a small selection of full-text key legislation in both French and German. All information is freely available and does not require registration or payment.


The website of the German Federal Administrative Court provides general information on the history, functions and procedure of the Court, including a table of allocation of business among its several chambers (Senates). It is now based in Leipzig. Press releases, giving summaries of individual decisions, are available in full-text from 1997. Access to these is by year and number (roughly chronological), with links from an entry in the table to the text itself. There is a page of links to the other German federal courts, and the administrative courts of the Länder.

Administrative Law Review

The Administrative Law Review is published four times annually by the students of the Washington College of Law in conjunction with the American Bar Association's Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. The ALR strives to develop legal research and writing skills of students while publishing articles that serve both practitioners and academicians. Each issue contains articles by practising lawyers, judges, and academicians considering legal theory and practice from a US perspective. The ALR also contains student comments and casenotes on administrative law issues.

Statute Law Review

The Statute Law Review (online ISSN: 1464-3863) began in 1980 and is published by Oxford University Press in association with the Statute Law Society. The Review aims to further the study of legislative drafting, statutory interpretation, and the process of parliamentary scrutiny around the world. It is intended for lawyers in both private practice and public service, and academics with an interest in public law, public administration and political science.

Duke Law Journal

Full text online edition of Duke Law Journal (ISSN 0012-7086), a US law school journal published six times a year at the Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina, USA. The journal aims to be among the most prestigious and influential legal publications in the USA. It is edited by a student board and contains student notes of current legal developments and articles and comments by professors and practitioners. Around one issue a year is devoted to administrative law and another is a symposium issue.

Scottish Parliament

Official website of the Scottish Parliament, covering its history, procedures, news, publications, MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament) and parliamentary business.  Current and previous bills are available, together with the Official Report (the record of what was said in Parliament and in public committee sessions), committee reports, parliamentary questions and other information.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE) is an international organisation concerned with strengthening democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe. The CoE website has information about the history and current work of the Council, including publications, databases, treaties, news, statistics and educational resources.

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