United Kingdom

Legal Education Research Network

Website of the Legal Education Research Network (LERN). LERN is a long-established active network of UK researchers interested in legal education. One of its core aims is to support researchers, through a range of activities, including through its members providing advice and support for each other, such as by suggesting useful source materials, reading draft questionnaires, piloting them and looking over interview schedules.

Copyright user

Website providing information and guidance on UK copyright law, made freely available online by the University of Glasgow and Bournemouth University. The site is aimed at users and creators of copyright works. There are videos of creators (filmmaker, artist, musician, developer etc.) discussing copyright issues and sections providing guidance on topics such as copyright exceptions, public domain and obtaining permission to use copyright works.

Insolvency Practitioners Association

The IPA is a professional association for insolvency practitioners; it is a recognised licensing body for insolvency practitioners (IPs) under the Insolvency Act 1986. The Regulations and Guidance section of the IPA website provides Statements of Insolvency Practice, a Code of Ethics, links to UK insolvency legislation and a guide to insolvency practitioners’ fees. There is also a searchable directory of IPs.

Insolvency Service

The Insolvency Service is an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Its function include the administration of the affairs of bankrupt individuals and insolvent companies, and regulation of insolvency practitioners. The Insolvency Service’s website provides guidance, consultation documents and other publications. It also makes available the Individual Insolvency Register, a directory of official receivers, a directory of insolvency practitioners and various other searchable directories.

Immigration Rules

Section of the Home Office website dealing with the UK’s immigration rules. Provides the current Immigration Rules and an archive of previous versions. Also makes available all the official Statements of Changes in Immigration Rules since May 2003.

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)

The OISC is an independent UK non-departmental public body, set up under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. It regulates the provision of immigration advice and other immigration services. The OISC has information about finding a regulated immigration adviser and qualifying or working as a regulated immigration adviser. It also provides guidance for those who want to complain about an adviser. OISC publications are available on the site, including guidance notes, framework documents, practice notes, position papers and annual reports.

Empirical Legal Research Network

Web pages describing the aims and work of the Empirical Legal Research Network at the University of Edinburgh School of Law. The site gives a listing members and potential mentors and brief details of events and current research topics. Activities focus on four inter-related areas: Institutional Orders; Communities and the Built Environment; Families and Relationships; Persons (health and well-being).

Centre for Empirical Legal Studies

Website of the Centre for Empirical Legal Studies (CELS) in the Faculty of Laws at University College London. The Centre aims to build empirical and interdisciplinary research capacity in the field of law in the United Kingdom, furthering the concept of Law in the Real World and offering programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The site provides information about the research projects, staff publications, events and courses offered by CELS.

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