
Republic of Uganda Judiciary

Official website of the Ugandan Judiciary. The site provides background information on the roles and functions of the Judiciary and gives an outline of its structure. There is information on the Ugandan courts including cause lists and profiles of judges. The site also links to sources of Ugandan judgements and to other Ugandan legal resources.

Uganda Law Reform Commission

Website of the Uganda Law Reform Commission (ULRC) a body established in 1990 by the Uganda Law Reform Commission Act. The site provides information on the composition, powers and functions of the ULRC. Study reports of the ULRC can be downloaded from the site in PDF. These focus on a range of commercial and criminal projects dealing with competition law, consumer protection, insolvency law, companies, sale of goods and services and intellectual property. A full text copy of the Constitution of Uganda is also available to download from the site.

Uganda Law Society

Website of the Uganda Law Society, which represents the legal profession and promotes access to justice, human rights and the rule of law in Uganda. The site gives information about the structure and work of the organisation.

Researching Uganda’s Legal System and Legal Sector

Online guide to Ugandan law written by lawyer Brenda Mahoro in 2006 and updated in 2024 by Ugandan lawyer Lydia Matte. Published on New York University's Globalex website, the guide has background information on government and Constitution of Uganda, an outline of the legal sector and a list of the key institutions concerned with the provision of legal services and the administration of justice. There are sections dealing with the courts and the judiciary, legislation, case law, legal education and the legal profession. Links are given to Ugandan law sites.

African Law Reporter

African Law Reporter (also known as JurisAfrica) was founded by Mr. Justice Francis M. Ssekandi, a former Justice of Appeal in Uganda. It currently provides a small selection of African legal materials, including judgments, constitutions, statutes, articles and news items. Links are provided to websites with related content.

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