Sierra Leone

African Legal Information Institute

The African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) makes available treaties, cases, resolutions, decisions, reports and other publications of African regional organisations. It also provides access to legislation and cases from 16 African countries, via its search facility. The home page has links to regional and national African websites. AfricanLII is a project of the Democratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU) at the University of Cape Town law faculty.

Sierra Leone Legal Information Institute

Website of the Sierra Leone Legal Information Institute (SierraLII) a non-profit organization providing free access to online legal information of Sierra Leone. Resources provided include selected full text decisions of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone, the Appeal Court, High Court and Special Court of Sierra Leone. Full text legislation can be browsed by date or topic and links are given to other Sierra Leone legal sites.

Database of the Constitutions of Sub-Saharan Africa

Database of constitutions and constitutional documents of African countries, provided by the University of Konstanz. The contents can be searched or browsed by jurisdiction. The database was been compiled by Katharina Holzinger, Florian Kern and Daniela Kromrey of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. Documents are provided in the original language; some historical versions are available as well as recent texts. Most can be downloaded and/or accessed via links to other websites.

World Law: Sierra Leone

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Sierra Leone. The site offers search facilities to trace internet resources for Sierra Leone including Governmental and Court sites and an Introduction to Sierra Leone Law. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Sierra Leone on all of WorldLII. WorldLII was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

International Criminal Courts for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone: A Guide to Online and Print Resources

Online guide to the international criminal courts of Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone compiled by Amy Burchfield who is Head of Access and Faculty Services at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Library and updated by Andrew Dorchak who is Head of Reference and Foreign/International Law Specialist at The Judge Ben C. Green Law Library at Case Western Reserve University's School of Law. The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2017 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Special Residual Court For Sierra Leone

The Special Residual Court For Sierra Leone was established by the United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone to oversee the legal obligations of the Special Court after it closed in 2013.The Special Court of Sierra Leone was set up to deal with serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law. The website provides background information on the structure and organisation of the Court and its current activities. It includes the full-text of its rules of procedure, judgements of the Court and United Nations documents about its operation.

Justice for the Poor

Website of Justice for the Poor (J4P), a World Bank research and development program concerned with the promotion of legal reform in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. There is information on the different aspects of law covered by the program including land and natural resources, conflict, crime and violence, local governance, gender, customary law and labour disputes. There are also pages detailing the work being done in each country. Briefing papers and reports can be downloaded from the site.

Laws of Sierra Leone

Collection of Sierra Leonean legislation from 1925 onwards on Sierra Leone Web, a site founded in 1996 by journalist Peter C. Andersen. Includes the Constitution of Sierra Leone 1991 (and subsequent amending acts), other acts, ordinances, and some rules and regulations. Sierra Leone Web also provides books, reports and other documents from the eighteenth century onwards, as well as government information and material relating to the history and culture of Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone legal system and legal research

Guide to the legal system of Sierra Leone by Hanatu Kabbah, Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) in Sierra Leone. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated in 2023, it gives an overview of the legislature, executive and judiciary, along with information about the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the High Court and the Magistrates' Courts. It covers the sources of law in Sierra Leone, including the Constitution, common law, statutory law and customary law.

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