
Urzad Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (UOKK)

This is the site of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (OCCP) in Poland, which is responsible for counteracting monopolistic practices and protecting consumer rights. The site provides detailed information about the Office: its organizational structure (with an interactive map of the Office branches), listing of leading officials together with their biographies, tasks, powers, competences, and contact details; and a large number of the full-text legal acts on the OCCP's functioning.

Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji

Official website of the National Broadcasting Council of Poland. The site contains information on the background to the establishment of the Council in 1993 and its composition including contact details for the departments comprising the Council and individual Council members. A documents section contains the text of the relevant chapter of the constitution establishing the Council, several regulations concerning the National Broadcasting Council taken from the official gazette "Dziennik Ustaw", and the Broadcasting Act of 1992. The site can be viewed in Polish and English versions.

Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland

Official site of the Polish Supreme Court, containing information in English about its organisation, legal basis and history. More detailed information is offered in Polish, including the Court Bulletin from 1998 to 2003, major current judicial decisions and news. The Bulletin publishes legal questions, resolutions and decisions from the Administrative, Labour and Insurance Chamber, Civil Chamber and Criminal Chamber. Decisions are listed by case number and date.

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