
A Description of the Structure of the Hellenic Republic, the Greek Legal System, and Legal Research

Online resource guide to researching Greek law written by Maria Panezi who is a Ph.D. candidate and a Nathanson Fellow at Osgoode Hall Law School. The guide was published in 2006 and updated in 2021 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives background information on Greece and an outline of the system of government covering the legislative, executive and judicial branches and including a list of links to government Websites.

Introduction to the Greek Legal System

An introduction to the Greek legal system written by Dimitrios Ph. Christodoulou and made freely available on the JURIST Website. The article provides an outline of various aspects of Greek law covering sources of law, the Constitution and the distinction between public and private law. Different aspects of the civil code are summarised including areas dealing with the law of obligations, property law, family law and inheritance law. The author also looks at the commercial code and the laws governing industrial property, companies, bankruptcy, antitrust and banking.

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