
Index to 19th Century French Political Trials from the Labadie Collection

Index to a collection of more than 400 verbatim reports of trials against leaders of revolts, journalists and their editors, which took place in France during the 19th century. The reports are part of the Labadie Collection at the Special Collections Library of the University of Michigan and the index is published on the Library's website.

Congrès de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Official website of the Congress of the French overseas territory of New Caledonia. The site provides a history of the institution and information on its composition and role, including a list of members. Laws, constitutional texts, political agreements, speeches and procedural rules of the Congress are available, and there is an events calendar. The site is in French only.

World Law: New Caledonia

World Legal Information Institte page listing links to online resources for New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France. Courts and case law, parliament, government and legislation are covered. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Cour de Cassation

The Cour de cassation is the highest court in France, with jurisdiction to review decisions arising from lower criminal and civil courts. It deals with questions of law and the application of law, not questions of fact. Its website provides a database of cases from 1947 onwards, together with background information about the court. English translations of some recent judgments are available on the 'International' page.

Chambre des Notaires de Paris

The Chambre des Notaires de Paris is the professional body for notaries in Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. Notaries in France deal with matters of marriage and cohabitation, succession, real estate, taxation, and business law. The website provides information for the public about the law, notarial services and the notarial profession. There is a directory of notaries ("annuaire") searchable by name, address or district, together with outlines of French law relating to wills and succession, marriage and cohabitation, children, real property, taxation and businesses.


Legifrance is the official French law website. The contents include the Constitution and individual laws in force (under 'Textes consolidés'); more than 70 codes; the Journal Officiel from 1869 onwards, cases, draft laws and other parliamentary material (under 'Dossiers legislatifs'). The site, which is entirely in French, can be browsed by type of material, and basic and advanced search facilities are available.  

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