
China IP Law Update

China IP Law Update is a blog focusing on Chinese intellectual property law, with an emphasis on patent and trademark law. The blog is produced by lawyers at Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, a US law firm specialising in intellectual property law. Posts cover developments in Chinese IP law and how they might impact foreign companies. The blog dates back to 2019 and posts can be searched by keyword or browsed by category including case, copyright, domain, patents, trademarks and unfair competition.

Chinese (PRC) & Hong Kong Law

This research guide to the Chinese (PRC) and Hong Kong Law systems is compiled by the University of Melbourne. On the introduction page, the guide includes various recommended sources for starting Chinese legal research. Also included are pages covering legislation, case law, treaties, books, journals & theses, law reform ,and news, all with a brief description, relevant links and materials, and often a section on how to go about finding more resources. As this guide is aimed at law students, it also includes a page on citing and referencing resources.

Asian and Pacific Law Guide

A legal research guide for Asia and the Pacific region, created by the library at the University of Sydney. Includes regional legal information as well as covering twenty-five individual jurisdictions. For each jurisdiction, there are annotated links to sources of legislation and cases, information about the legal system, information relating to international law (such as participation in treaties), and links to research guides.  

Guide on researching Chinese mass media law

Online guide to researching mass media law in China written by Xiaomeng Zhang who is a Reference Librarian at the University of Michigan Law Library. The guide was published in 2013 (and updated in 2018) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide looks at Chinese law covering various areas of mass communication including newspapers and magazines, radio, television, film, advertising and the internet.

China Guiding Cases Project

Collection of ‘guiding cases’ decided by the Supreme People’s Court of China, translated into English and made available by the China Guiding Cases Project (CGCP) at Stanford Law School in the US. Guiding cases are decisions that have been designated as leading cases, under a procedure introduced in 2010. The website also includes expert commentary on the cases. The Law Summaries page has outlines of the Chinese law of contract, intellectual property, labour and the environment/natural resources with links to translated laws on these subjects. The website is in English and Chinese.

Database of laws and regulations

Collection of Chinese legislation in English translation, made available free of charge by the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China. Provides the Constitution and constitutional amendments, together with a large selection of laws and administrative regulations, mainly from the 1990s onwards. Can be browsed by broad subject area (also has a search facility, but this does not seem to work properly).

Human Rights in China

Website of the human rights advocacy organisation, Human Rights in China (HRIC), an international non-governmental organisation. Founded by Chinese scholars and scientists in 1989 and based in New York, HRIC works to promote a better knowledge and advocacy of human rights within the People's Republic of China. The site has information on HRIC's work covering legal reform, technology and human rights and ethical globalisation including articles, resources and news briefings.

World Law: China

Part of WorldLII's Countries service containing links to internet resources for the People's Republic of China. A full range of browse and search features are provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering China's Courts, Education, Lawyers, Legislation and Parliament supported by sites offering an introduction to Chinese Law.

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