
Australian Government: The Treasury

Official website of the Australian Treasury the department with responsibility for the Government’s economic policy. The site has organisational information and profiles of ministers. There is information and documentation on the Treasury’s areas of responsibility including company law and corporate governance, economic issues, financial services, foreign investment and taxation. Publications made available on the website include press releases, speeches, consultation documents, working papers, policy documents and annual reports.

Australian Government: Department of Finance and Deregulation

Official website of the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation whose areas of responsibility cover delivery of the Australian Government Budget, deregulation reform, financial management of public sector bodies and government procurement. The site has information on the structure of the Department and its Business Groups. Legislation administered by the Department is linked to on the site and there are policy and corporate documents and budgetary information available to view.

Indigenous Law Resources

A service developed and hosted by AustLII as part of  collaboration with the Council for Aboriginal and the Australian Research Council on Reconciliation and Social Justice in Australia. Provides a collection of primary documents on the subject of  indigenous law, relating particularly to Australia: parliamentary papers, government reports, policy documents, reports and submissions by civil society organisations, documents relating to test cases, and material concerning indigenous advocacy.

New South Wales Law Reform

Government website for the Law Reform Commission based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The site publishes information about the Commission, its history, and its role in helping to update law and the administration of law. An outline of the law reform and modernisation process is provided, with particular reference to the work of the New South Wales Community Law Reform Program. Current projects before the Commission with supporting online documentation and discussion papers include privacy, consent of minors to medical treatment and complicity in criminal cases.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Documenting a Democracy: Australia's Story

A key resource for political historians. This site has been created by the National Archives of Australia to provide access to over 100 documents which trace the development of democratic government in Australia. It includes the full-text of sets of constitutional documents, from each of the eight states, land laws and civil rights legislation recognising the rights of the indigenous Aborigine peoples. Also provided is a timeline of Australian constitutional history and a glossary of key terms.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, an independant statutory body which aims to improve access to justice for people in NSW, Australia. The site has information about the full range of Law Foundation activities, including their publications, grants programme and research projects. A selection of publications is available to download from the site for free or to purchase online. There are also a number of free email newletters available providing information on the Foundation''s research and justice initiatives.

Law Society of New South Wales

Website of the Law Society of New South Wales, the professional association for the solicitor's branch of the legal profession in the State of New South Wales, Australia. The site offers legal, professional and management resources for solicitors including access to the Law Society Journal, Caveat Bulletin, Library Catalogue, Law Society Precedents, information on professional conduct and regulation. Many of these are restricted to members only. Information aimed at the public includes advice on a number of legal topics, dealing with a lawyer and making a complaint.

University of New South Wales Law Journal

The University of New South Wales Law Journal has been published since 1976, edited by a voluntary student body with faculty advisers. The scholarly Australian academic law journal is published three times a year, and each volume consists of two general issues and one thematic issue. The general issues contain articles on a broad range of legal issues. There is also a Forum section for debate on topics of interest to the legal community. The thematic issues focus on particular legal topics researched and selected by the Board.

Bond Law Review

Peer reviewed open-access journal published by Bond University, Queensland, Australia. Focuses on Australian law and occasionally that of other jurisdictions, including New Zealand and China. The entire series is available, from volume 1, 1989, onwards.

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