
Council of State of Thailand

This site provides English translations of Thai legislation, prepared by the Office of the Council of State. Legislation is listed in alphabetical order and can be browsed, and the constitution and its amendments are also available. Users should note that this is not a complete list of current active legislation in Thailand. There is also an overview of the legislative process in Thailand.

Thai Industrial Standards Institute

Website of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute, the national standards body for Thailand. The Institute was established in 1968 under the Industrial Product Standards Act B.E. 2511 (1968). The full-texts of the Act and various ministerial regulations are available in HTML, in both Thai and English. The Institute develops, disseminates and promotes national standards in industry in Thailand, and participates in international standards organisations and programmes.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand

Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. The site offers historical and background information, a country profle including an overview of government and politics in Thailand and an outline of the Thai foreign policy. There is an online copy of the Business Handbook which is aimed at Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomatic personnel encouraging foreign investment and international trade with Thailand. Press releases and a complete list of Thai embassies around the world are also available. Other information provided on the site is available in Thai only.

Thailand Law Source

A website providing information about the Thai legal system and related topics. The site is maintained by Jonathan Leeds (a Bangkok-based practitioner and an adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University) and a small team of academic and professional colleagues. The site hosts the Online Thailand Law Journal publishing a selection of full-text articles considering legal issues in Thailand. The Thailand Law Links section provides a reference point to access legal resources and related services within Thailand.

Thailand Legal Basics

An outline of the legal system in Thailand, available on the website of Thai law firm Tilleke & Gibbins. The report was written in September 2009 and includes an introduction to Thai law and basic information on the court system, land ownership, working in Thailand and a summary of the law concerning intellectual property, the environment, companies, finance, employment, e-commerce, drugs, insurance and taxation. Other publications on Thai law are available on the same website.

Legal Journal on Burma

The Legal Journal on Burma (LawKa Pala) is published by the Burma Lawyers' Council (BLC), an independent organisation of lawyers and legal academics promoting human rights and democracy in Burma. The journal contains feature articles, commentaries and reviews focused on the legal and political issues in Burma and is available online back to 1997, in pdf format. .

Burma Lawyers' Council

The Burma Lawyers' Council (BLC) is an independent group of lawyers and legal academics. Its aim is to foster human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Burma by such means as public education campaigns, provision of legal advice and research into the Burmese judicial system. The Council's website provides a selection of legal materials relating to Burma, including the country's Constitutions and its National Convention, reports and articles on the legal situation in Burma and a number of landmark agreements and declarations.

Judicial system in Thailand

Online version of a chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", by the ASEAN Law Association. Covers the legal system in Thailand, including historical background and an overview of the Thai judicial system, information on the court system and on the courts established under the Constitution (the Constitutional Court, Court of Justice, Military Court and the Administrative Court), the legal profession and legal education, civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution in Thailand.

Legal system in Singapore

Chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", produced by the ASEAN Law Association. Provides a history of the legal system of Singapore and information on sources of law, the governmental system, civil and criminal procedures and the legal profession and legal education. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam.

Legal system in Vietnam

Vietnam chapter from "ASEAN Legal Systems", by the ASEAN Law Association. Covers the Vietnamese legal profession and organisations, an outline of the court system, civil and criminal procedures, sources of law and an outline of the governmental system. Other chapters currently available online describe the legal systems in Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

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