
Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci

Website provided by the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks in Bucharest, a specialised government body with responsibility for the protection of industrial propety in Romania. It contains information on patents, trademarks, industrial design, topographies of integrated circuits and plants varieties. There is a searchable Romanian Patent Database and links to services and publications offered by the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks. Details of regional centres and a list of IP attorneys are available. The site is available in Romanian only.


LESIJ.JS is an open-access online journal provided by Nicolae Titulescu University in Romania. It covers covers all areas of law, but focuses particularly on topics that cross traditional branches of the law and the relationship of law to other disciplines. Topics covered include criminal justice, socio-legal studies, criminology, European private law, internet law and intellectual property law. As well as the current issue, back issues are available back to 2006.

Acta Universitatis Danubius -Juridica

Website of the Acta Universitatis Danubius Juridica law review published annually by the Law Faculty of the Danubius University in Romania. The review focuses on legal doctrine, jurisprudence and philosophy and law. Recent articles have dealt with the parliamentary mandate, smuggling and the status of the prosecutor in Romania. Reviews are available online from 2005 onwards and details are given for the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board. The site can be viewed in English, Romanian and French. Articles are presented in full text in either French or English.

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