
Diário da República

Diário da República, the Portuguese official gazette, is available free on this website. It is now published in two series: legislation appears in Series I and administrative actions in Series II. Series III, which has ceased publication, used to publish official notices. Series I is available from 1910 onwards; Series II from 1990 onwards; and Series III from 1943 to mid-2006 . The site is in Portuguese.

Tribunal Constitucional Portugal

Official website of the Portuguese Constitutional Court. The site has background information on the organisation and functioning of the Court and profiles of the judges. There are laws relating to the Constitutional Court, electoral issues and political parties in Portugal and a copy of the Constitution. Full text decisions of the Constitutional Court are given in Portugese with summaries provided in English. The site can be viewed in Portuguese and English versions.

Research Committee on Sociology of Law

Web pages of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL), a research committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA) concerned with socio-legal research. The site has information on the history of the RCSL, copies of its statutes and details of past presidents. Contact details are given for Board members and there is information on forthcoming conferences and meetings. Copies of the RCSL newsletter can be downloaded from the site in full text (PDF) and there are links to related associations, research bodies and journals.

Sumário das Legislações Publicadas nos Diários da República 1975 - 2007

Hosted on the website of the Association of General Secretaries of Portuguese-language Parliaments (Associação dos Secretários-Gerais dos Parlamentos de Língua Portuguesa), this booklet provides a summary of all legislation published in the Diário da República (Official Gazette) of São Tomé and Príncipe between 1975 -2007

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