

Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.


DIP is the documentation and information system of the German national parliament, the Bundestag. It provides parliamentary papers – including bills – and parliamentary debates from December 1976 onwards. The main DIP page covers the 16th parliamentary term onwards (18th October 2005 - ). Users may browse this section of the site by theme, or select the dedicated search facilities for consultations (Beratungsabläufe), activities (Aktivitäten) or documents (Dokumente). For documents from earlier parliamentary terms, select ‘DIP 8.-15 Wahlperiode’. The site is entirely in German.


Every issue of the Bundesgesetzblatt, the German Federal Official Gazette, is provided free of charge on this website by the official publisher, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Part I (Teil I) contains laws and ministerial orders and is available from 1949 onwards; part II (Teil II) contains international agreements and is available from 1951 onwards; the Index (Fundstellennachweis) is also provided. The free version can be browsed by date, but for searching, printing, copying or downloading a subscription is required. The site is in German only.

Deutsche-Britische Juristenvereinigung

The German British Union of Lawyers "Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung" (DBJV) was established in 1970. This is the freely accessible website of its German division, which currently has around 750 members. The site is managed and maintained by the Europa-Universit§t Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). It presents background information about the history and development of the organisation, an extract from the DBJV Charter, notes on how to join the organisation and reports from past meetings and conferences.

German Business Law

This site is produced by Joachim Rudo, a Berlin based attorney who has compiled a selection of English language resource guides relating to different areas of German law. This page focuses on German business law and includes commentary on German corporate law, antitrust law and competition law, distribution systems in Germany, intellectual property rights, insolvency law, employment law and social security in Germany. There are links to German legislation, courts and governmental websites.

Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

The aim of the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS), or German Institution of Arbitration, is to promote arbitration nationally and internationally. The site provides various legal texts relating to arbitration in Germany, including the 1998 Arbitration Act, plus the DIS's own arbitration rules, model arbitration clause, schedule of costs and costs calculator (all in German, English and other languages). There is a database of German arbitration case summaries (in both English and German, for the most part). DIS publications are listed and can be ordered online.


Official website of the German Constitutional Court. Includes press releases, profiles of judges and background information on the organisation and functions of the Court. Judgments and press releases are provided (in German) back to 1998. Links are provided to other constitutional bodies in Germany and to constitutional courts in other countries. German and English versions of the site are available.

JurPC: Internet-Zeitschrift für Rechtsinformatik

German-language legal information e-journal publishing articles by legal information managers, specialists and practitioners.  Articles cover topics relating to information innovations in law and electronic publishing and services and other online developments relevant to the legal community. The journal is open access and is edited by Professor Dr Maximillian Herberger of the Universität des Saarlandes.

European Documentation Centre: University of Mannheim

Website describing the work, facilities and organisation of the European Documentation Centre at the University of Mannheim in Germany and offering a comprehensive collection of links to the European Union's information network and EU documentation. EU web links are provided; there is a section presenting EU information by subject area (under "Politikbereichen der EU"); there are also details about EU information networks, particularly those based in Germany. The site is in German or English.

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