Western Australia

Western Australian Legislation

The information on this website is provided by the Western Australia Parliamentary Counsel's Office. Full text Western Australian legislation includes acts in force, acts no longer in force and subsidiary legislation. Historical versions of legislation are also available. The materials can be browsed alphabetically, searched by keyword or phrase and viewed in a range of formats.

Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission

An AustLII database containing decisions from the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission from 1991 to 2016. Decisions are in full-text HTML format and can be searched or browsed by case name or date. Decisions from 2017 onwards are provided on the Western Industrial Relations Commission page on AustLII. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Western Australian Current Acts

An AustLII database featuring current legislation of the State of Western Australia. The system offers a comprehensive search facility and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

Website for the Law Reform Commission responsible for reviewing and servicing the revision of selected laws in Western Australia. This official site describes the composition, work and authority of the Commission. In addition the site offers a details of current projects, selected links and information on conferences in the field of law scrutiny and reform. The site carries full text reports and papers relating to current and completed referrals such as aboriginal customary law, contempt and review of the homicide laws.

Legal Aid Western Australia

Website of the Legal Aid services for Western Australia, an independent statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission Act 1976. The site provides organisational information and details of services including annual reports and other publications made freely available online. A selection of FAQs are given outlining how to apply for and obtain legal aid along with general information on aspects of the law, legal rights and common legal problems in Western Australia. Sections are provided on families, children, immigration, property and making a will.

Western Australian Information Commissioner Decisions

An AustLII database containing decisions from the Western Australian Information Commissioner from 1994 onwards. Decisions are in full-text HTML format and can be searched or browsed by case name or date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Western Industrial Relations Commission Decisions

An AustLII database containing full text decisions from the Western Industrial Relations Commission from 2017 onwards. Decisions made between 1991 and 2016 are available from the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Decisions page on AustLII. Decisions can be searched or browsed by case name or date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Western Australian Current Regulations

An AustLII database featuring current regulations of the State of Western Australia. The system offers a comprehensive search facility, regulation name search and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia. Primary materials on AustLII are funded by the Law Foundation of New South Wales.

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