
Vermont Statutes Online

Official online full text version of the Vermont statutes and court rules made freely available by Michie's Legal Resources a division of LexisNexis Publishing. The statutes are listed by subject and there are simple and advanced search options available. The United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Vermont are also made freely available on the site.


GLAD is a New England based civil rights organisation working to end discrimination based on sexual orientation. There is background and historical information about GLAD. The 'rights and resources' section has legal guidance for the following states: Massachusetts; Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire; Rhode Island and Vermont. This covers topics such as discrimination, employment, family law (marriage, adoption, child custody), hate crimes, sex laws and students' rights. There is also information on the rights of people with HIV.

State legislation on comprehensive health care coverage

Online guide to selected legislation in the US states of Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont which attempts to provide comprehensive health care coverage for all residents. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The introduction gives an outline of the healthcare system in the United States and of the approaches taken by Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont.

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