
Turkey Law Guide

An annotated research guide to Turkish government and law internet sources compiled by the US Law Library of Congress and made freely available on the web. The guide is aimed at legal researchers with the emphasis on websites providing the full-text of laws, regulations and court decisions. There are links to sites in both Turkish and English. Areas covered by the guide include the constitution, the executive, legislation, legal guides and general sources including background, economic and country information.

Constitutional Court of Turkey

Official website of the Turkish Constitutional Court. The site provides news, background, historical and organisational information about the Court. The current and past constitutions, and legislation establishing the Court, are available on the site, together with summaries of judgments. Other features of the site include speeches, the Court's journal and links to related websites. The site is in Turkish throughout.

A Legal Analysis of the Impacts of Administrative Court Decisions on the Validity of Private Law Contracts in Turkish Law

Online article looking at the effects of cancellation decisions made by administrative courts on the validity of private law contracts, written by Vedat Buz, Associate Professor of Civil Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Ankara, and çagdas Evrim Ergün, an associate with Turkish law firm çakmak and a PhD candidate at the University of Ankara. The article was published in the features section of LLRX.com in March 2007.

Guide to Turkish public law and legal research

Guide to the Turkish legal system, by Serap Yazici, Professor of Constitutional Law at Istanbul Sehir University. The guide was last updated in 2024; it is provided online by New York University School of Law. The guide provides historical background to the Turkish legal system including an outline of the structure of the Turkish state and basic institutions. There are sections dealing with the legislature, the executive, the judiciary and the courts.

Republic of Turkey Supreme Court

Official website of the Turkish Supreme Court. The English-language section of the site provides information on the background and history of the court, together with an outline of the legal system and court structure in Turkey. Other information on the site, including the case database, 'Karar Arama', is available in Turkish only.

Ínsan Haklarí Hukuku Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi

The Human Rights Law Research Centre was established at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2000 to develop and promote awareness of human rights law in Turkey and internationally. The website has information about its events, courses and projects. The Publications section provides the Centre's reports (in Turkish), together with details of books from Bilgi University's  Human Rights Law Studies series and books related to the Centre's projects. The site is in Turkish and English, with some content in Turkish only.

Türkiye Barolar Birligi

Website of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations. The introduction gives background and historical information about the Bar, with details of committees and a searchable directory of members. Laws governing the legal profession are available, along with a collection of human rights documents and articles. The site is in Turkish only.

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