

Website of Gordon Wignall, a barrister with expertise in nuisance and the related topics of trespass, statutory rights of compensation, waste and environmental permitting. The site provides guidance on these topics, aimed at the public. There are guides to private nuisance, public nuisance and statutory nuisance, along with shorter briefings on climate change and nuisance law, privacy and nuisance and Japanese Knotweed.

The Point of Law Website is a web magazine sponsored by the Manhattan Institute providing information and opinion on the US litigation system. Included on the site are full-text articles by legal scholars, a reading list of key texts on tort law and litigation and an online forum focusing on liability issues. There are also featured discussions and links to legal news stories. Subjects covered on Point of Law include asbestos, attorney's fees, class actions, employment law, medicine and product liability.

Lawyers and Settlements

The Lawyers and Settlements website is provided by Canadian marketing company, Online Legal Marketing Ltd who specialise in advertising for lawyers and law firms. The site provides information and the latest news on personal injury and class action cases and settlements. Cases are categorised by subject including personal injury, defective products, dangerous drugs and stock fraud. The site provides a summary of the issue and details of possible cases, lawsuits filed and settlements achieved. Individual complaints can be submitted to subscribing lawyers on a contact form.

Personal Injury

Personal Injury is a website focusing on US personal injury law produced by Einstein Law, a company specialising in legal web directories and portals. The site provides background information on different aspects of personal injury including damages and awards and tort law. It also provides detailed information on personal injury claims such as medical malpractice, car accidents, product liability, brain injury and workers' compensation. There is a directory of personal injury lawyers in the United States and a glossary of terms.

Common Core of Private European Law

The Common Core of Private European Law is a project based at the University of Trento in Italy, involving academics from Europe and the United States. The aim of the project is to analyse the private law of EU member states in order to establish the common elements. The site explains the background and methodology of the project and includes copies of the survey questionnaires used in its work. Relevant books by members of the project are listed.

European Group on Tort Law

The European Group on Tort Law is made up of scholars in the area of tort law and the website is hosted by the University of Girona in Spain. The group has produced a collection of Principles of European Tort Law which is focused on the harmonisation of tort law across Europe. The report is made freely available on the site in a range of formats and languages (including non-European languages). There are profiles of members of the group and details of their publications; some of these have links to the full text.

ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section

Website of the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) which is a section of the American Bar Association. The site has organisational information including details of committees, events, discussion groups and membership information. There is a list of recently published books and separate sections aimed at young lawyers and students. Details are given of TIPS journals along with full text (PDF) access to TortSource the TIPS newsletter.

American Tort Reform Association

The Washington D.C.-based American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) is dedicated to reforming the law of tort and liability. Documents available on the site include a record of tort reform in individual states and facts about the tort system and its impact on the US economy. The ATRA's annual report is also provided, detailing litigation abuse in US states. The site also features background information about class actions, medical liability and punitive damages. There are also press releases and a section providing brief summaries of 'loony lawsuits'.

McLibel Trial

Website publishing a range of information about the "McLibel Trial", the libel case brought by multinational company McDonalds against two London activists, which became the longest court case in English history. The site has been developed by the London based McLibel Support Campaign, a group formed in 1990 to raise funds for the defendants. The judgement is made freely available on the site in full text or summary form.

Nanotechnology: what is it and why do law librarians need to know about it?

Online guide to the legal aspects of nanotechnology written by Scott Russell who is Reference Librarian at Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. in Missouri in the United States. The guide was published in November 2008 on The author gives an introduction to nanotechnology and links to articles about its use. There are also links to studies dealing with the risks associated with nanotechnology, which could lead to litigation, and to related intellectual property issues.

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