South Africa. Republic of South Africa

De Jure

De Jure is an open access online general law journal published by the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The journal carries articles based on original research concerned with "the development and dissemination of cutting-edge legal research", as well as case law and book announcements. It has national and international scope. De Jure, edited by Professor Steve Cornelius, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, aims to support legal academics, practitioners and scholars in their legal research. Free and unrestricted access is available to volume 44 2011 onwards.

The DoJ & CD

Website of the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development, South Africa. Provides a detailed description of the individual South African courts and their position in the court hierarchy with a link to the court’s own site if available. A section on legislation gives access to Acts and Regulations relating to the work of the department which have been passed since 1994. There are additional sections relating to Bills, Draft regulations, Rules and Practice directions. The 1996 South African Constitution is also available (updated to 16th amendment, 2010).

ICL - South Africa Index

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides a quick reference list of dates relating to development and changes to the South African Constitution. Includes the draft constitution of 1994, the 1996 Constitution and the amended version of 1997 together with accompanying schedules. Provides a brief background to the Constitution with a list of significant historical dates relating to it.

Maritime Law Association of South Africa

The Maritime Law Association was established in 1974 with the aim to “promote the study, research, administration and advancement” of maritime laws and their unification with those of road, rail and aviation. Details are given of the aims and objectives of the organisation and its past achievements. Full text access is given to a selection of maritime legislation to which the organisation may have contributed and also to a selection of judgments, both reported and unreported which have been provided by members (the latter is not a comprehensive collection).

South African Labour Courts

Website of the South African Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court. The South African Labour Court has the same status as a high court. Further appeals can be made to the Labour Appeal Court. Links are available to the texts of relevant statutes, regulations and also to the practice directions of both courts. Access is given to full text judgments from 1996. A separate RSS feed allows users to check on the most recent decisions and news from the court.

Organisation of South African Law Libraries

Web pages for the professional association of law libraries and librarians in South Africa. The organisation draws its membership from staff working in law firm, academic and government libraries specialising in law and legal information management. The site provides information about the structure and work of OSALL, including their constitution in PDF, notes on membership procedures and list of committee members with contact details.

Centre for Socio-Legal Research

Web pages describing the aims and work of the Centre for Socio-Legal Research based at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Research at the Centre is organised around projects looking at: the operation of the Family Advocate system, the Family Court and welfare system in South Africa. The Centre is also involved in the development of policy initiatives in the areas of family law and welfare. The site provides a staff list with contact information, brief details of activities and publications, and links to other Internet sites relevant to socio-legal studies.

World Law: South Africa

Part of WorldLII's Countries service containing links to internet resources for South Africa. A full range of browse and search features is provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering South Africa's Courts, Education, Government, Law Journals, Law Reform, Lawyers, Legislation, Non-Governmental Organisations, Parliament, Teaties and international Agreements and Provincial legal resources.

De Rebus

Website of De Rebus, the online version of the official monthly journal of the Law Society of South Africa. The journal covers a broad range of subjects of interest to the legal profession, including tax matters, labour and family law, civil procedure and third-party matters. Monthly sections are included analysing constitutional cases and new legislation, and new developments in the legal profession. Issues of De Rebus are made freely available on the site in full-text back to 1998.

Acts Online - the Online South African Hypertext Legislation Series

A web database of South African legislation, including the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The site is provided free of charge, and developed by two South African companies, FNB and Guarantee Trust Hypertext Systems. The service presents South African Acts of Parliament with amendments, schedules and regulations, updated whenever an amendment is promulgated in the Government Gazette.

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