Social Welfare Law

Social Security Advisory Committee

Website of the Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) a UK advisory body on social security issues. The role of SSAC is to provide advice on social security matters and to report on social security regulations referred to it by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Department of Social Development in Northern Ireland. The site provides background and historical information about the Committee and profiles of its members. There are details of consultations currently being carried out which are made available as PDF documents.

Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman investigates and decides complaints and disputes relating to the running of pension schemes in the UK. The site provides information on who can bring a complaint, the sort of pension schemes included and time limits for bringing complaints. Annual reports, application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the site and details of related bodies are also included. Determinations of the Ombudsman are available in full back to 2001 and can be searched by keyword or date.

Independent Review Service for the Social Fund

Website of the Independent Review Service (IRS) for the Social Fund in the United Kingdom. The role of the IRS is to provide an independent review of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in Jobcentre Plus offices. The site has information on the IRS's organisational structure and business objectives and guidance on applying to the Social Fund for a community care grant, crisis loan or budgeting loan. There is also advice on applying for a review of decisions made covering community care grants, crisis loans, budgeting loans and overpayment decisions.

First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Care Standards) which was established under the Protection of Children Act 1999. This tribunal considers appeals relating to decisions regarding the suitability of individuals to work with children, the registration of care homes, children's homes and adoption and fostering agencies and the registration of childminders and day care providers. The site provides links to the regulations under which the Tribunal operates and to legislation under which appeals may be brought.

Primary Health Lists Tribunal

The Primary Health Lists Tribunal has superseded the former Family Health Services Appeal Authority. It hears appeals by general medical practitioners, dentists, chemists and opticians against decisions taken by Primary Care Trusts relating to their lists of "medical performers". Its pages on the HM Courts and Tribuanl Service website give an overview of its role and provide rules and legislation, details of forthcoming cases and a link to decisions back to 2004.

Solicitors for the Elderly

Solicitors for the Elderly is an association of lawyers who are committed to "providing and promoting robust, comprehensive and independent legal advice for older people, their family and carers". The website provides background information about the association including a copy of their code of practice and a guide to the specialisms held by members. These include areas such as estate planning, probate, tax planning, long-term care insurance policies, home equity release plans, mental health legislation and pensions.

UK Social Security and Child Support Commissioner's Opinions

A BAILII database, providing free access to the full-text of selected opinions of the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners in the United Kingdom. The database carries opinions from 1997 to 2008 as supplied by the Social Security and Child Commission. Decisions are listed alphabetically by Commissioner's File number. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and Recent Cases listing. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Residential Institutions Redress Board

Website of the Residential Institutions Redress Board, an Irish statutory body which pays compensation to people who were abused as children in industrial schools, reformatories and other institutions subject to state regulation or inspection. The site has information about applying for redress, including forms and details of hearing procedures. A PDF copy of the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002 and relevant regulations is provided.

Child Care Law Center

The California based Child Care Law Center (CCLC) is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the legal issues affecting childcare. The CCLC describes itself as "a legal resource for the local, state, and national childcare communities" and provides advocacy, training and information.The CCLC produces a quarterly newsletter called Legal Update. This is made freely available on the site in PDF and deals with legal developments affecting childcare law.

Social Care Law Journals

Website of Arden Davies Publishing, legal publishers specialising in the law applicable to the public sector in England and Wales. Contains sample issues of the following journals: Social Care Law Today; The Review of Mental Health Law and Practice; Journal of Community Care Law and Practice; The Journal of Public Childcare Law and Practice; Journal of Social Housing Law and Practice; Journal of Welfare Benefits Law and Practice.

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