Social policy

Foundation for Information Policy Research

The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) is a UK organisation that works in the area of "... promoting, encouraging, commissioning and conducting research into the present and possible future effects on the general public (including economic, social and moral effects and effects on health and well-being) of developments in information technology ... " The organisation has an independent board of trustees and an advisory council that includes members from both the academic and private sectors.

Stanford Law and Policy Review

The Stanford Law and Policy Review is an academic journal concentrating on issues of law and public policy published twice a year by the law students of Stanford Law School. Each issue contains a Symposium of 6 to 12 articles on one specific topic along with additional feature articles on different topics. Themes of past issues have included law and technology, law of democracy, gun control and same sex marriage. Titles, subscription information and details of the Editorial Board are provided on the site.

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