
Guide to Russian Federation Law in English: Selection of Sources

Online guide to English-language source materials on Russian law, published on New York University's Globalex website. Written by Lucy Cox, it was last updated in 2014.  Gives bibliographic details for print sources and links to online resources arranged by subject. Covers research and bibliographic guides, legal dictionaries, background texts, compilations of translated legal materials, codes, courts and journals.

Garant : daily monitoring of Russian law

Free legal news service from Garant, a Moscow-based company specialising in the provision of Russian legal information. The Garant site, which is available in English and Russian, provides daily Russian legal updates (including amendments and decisions), giving the date, title and a brief summary. Garant also offers a fee-based database of Russian legislation, in English and Russian.

Respublika Kareliya

Official website of the Republic of Karelia, one of the autonomous republics of the Russian Federation, located in the north-west, bordering Finland. The site includes the contact details of the principal executive and legislative bodies, links to government departments, policy documents and legal texts. It is available in Finnish, English and Russian languages, with the Russian-language version being the most comprehensive.

Guide to legal research in Russia

Guide to Russian legal research by Arina V. Popova and Lev S. Solovyev, updated by Andrey A. Arnautovich and Arina Popova, on New York University's Globalex website. Gives an outline of the political system, government structure and court system. Covers sources of legal material including the Constitution, codes, laws, decrees, cases and official publications. There is a section on Russian legal databases and a list of books, as well as guidance on the legal profession and legal education.

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