Refugees and Asylum

Rights in Exile Programme

This website brings together resources to assist lawyers who are representing refugees. The Rights in Exile Programme is run by lawyers and experts in human rights and immigration issues. The site provides access to a range of resources including the UNHCR Protection Manual, contact details of pro bono organisations arranged by country, country of origin information experts and online sources of international case law. There are also resources aimed at refugees including self-help kits to assist with writing Refugee Status Determination Interview statements.

European Database of Asylum Law

The European Database of Asylum Law (EDAL) is maintained by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and provides access to case law from 19 EU Member States interpreting refugee and asylum law as well as cases from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. The database can be searched by keyword and filtered by date, country of applicate, country of decision or case type. Cases are provided as summaries with full text where available.

Asylum Information Database

The Asylum Information Database (AIDA) is compiled by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and contains information on asylum issues in 20 countries (17 EU countries and 3 non-EU countries). There are country reports detailing asylum procedures, reception conditions and detention of asylum seekers in countries covered by the database. There are also comparative reports which analyse practice relating to the implementation of asylum standards in these countries and AIDA Legal Briefings which address key issues in EU asylum law and policy.

Australian Government: Department of Immigration and Citizenship

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship is the Australian government body which handles issues relating to immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Australia. Its website gives an overview of the work of the department as well as providing the full-text of its most recent press releases and annual report. Also available is information on Australian government policy towards immigrants, including transcripts of speeches relating to migration made by the Minister for Immigration and details of aid programmes offered to new immigrants/refugees.

Update to Guide to Country Research for Refugee Status Determination

A guide to finding information about refugees' and asylum seekers' country of origin, last updated in 2002 and published on the website of the Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX). The guide is written by Elisa Mason, Information Manager for the Forced Migration Online project at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. Commentary, bibliographic information and links to relevant websites are included.

Forced Migration Review

Website of Forced Migration Review (FMR) the journal of the Refugee Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford. The journal is published three times each year in collaboration with the Global IDP Project of the Norwegian Refugee Council. The editors are Marion Couldrey and Tim Morris. "FMR provides a forum for debate on the most immediate issues facing refugees and internally displaced people and those working with them". The journal includes articles, research abstracts, conference reports and news items.


Website of Liberty, an independent non-governmental organisation which works to defend and extend individual rights and freedoms in England and Wales. Liberty's activities include campaigning, test case litigation, parliamentary work, and the provision of free advice and information. The site has information on key human rights issues including torture, terrorism, privacy, asylum, discrimination, free speech and human rights after Brexit. There is information on the campaigns Liberty is currently involved with along with full-text policy papers and briefings.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is an independent voluntary organisation which works to achieve justice for immigrants and asylum seekers to the United Kingdom (UK). In particular, it campaigns for reform to existing nationality and immigration law. Its website provides details of its current activities and forthcoming conferences and training events. It also contains factsheets on current British immigration and nationality law.

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established in 1989 by the Canadian Parliament to make decisions on immigration and refugee matters. Its main concerns are handling immigration appeals and claims for refugee status and providing information on Canadian immigration law. Its website describes the function of the IRB and contains its current press releases and annual reports from 1995 onwards. It also offers updates on current Canadian immigration law and the immigration appeals process.

UNHCR: the UN Refugee Agency

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was created by the UN General Assembly in 1951. The site offers background information about the work of the UNHCR which includes advocacy, capacity building, fund raising and global needs assessment. There is a section dealing with the groups of people the UNHCR works with including children, women, elderly, disabled and asylem seekers and information on the areas of the world where the UNHRC operates. There are legal documents, statistics and global reports.

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