

Stortinget is the Norwegian Parliament. Its website is offered in English or Norwegian. The English version contains the text of the Norwegian Constitution, the parliamentary rules of procedure and information on the history, current functions and legislative procedures of the parliament. The Norwegian-language version offers more detailed information, including details of parliamentary documents and legislation since 1994 and parliamentary debates since 1996.

European Free Trade Association - (EFTA)

EFTA was founded in 1960 with the purpose of removing trade barriers between its member nations. Currently these are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The website provides information on the EFTA Secretariat, EFTA Surveillance Authority and EFTA Court. The Secretariat section includes information on the purpose and structure of EFTA as well as its annual reports and recent press releases. Also accessible are the Stockholm Convention and fact sheets on the relationship between EFTA and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Nordiska Rådet / Nordiska Ministerrådet

Website of the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers. The site provides information about official cooperation between the governments and parliaments of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. It also has facts and figures about the Nordic region, news. The Resources section includes teaching materials for schools, maps, photographs and links to dictionaries of the Nordic languages. The site is available in English and the Scandinavian languages.

Den norske Helsingforskomite

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and works to promote democracy and human rights within Europe. Its primary activites include the monitoring of parliamentary elections within the OSCE (Office for Security of Central Europe). The website includes the full-text of the Helsinki Committee's reports on parliamentary elections since 1995. These include reports from Albania, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and nations of the former Soviet Union. The text is available in Norwegian or English.

Scandinavian Studies in Law

Free online version of 'Scandinavian Studies in Law', a series of books published by the Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law at Stockholm University. The series covers the law of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and presents articles by Scandinavian lawyers and legal scholars translated into English. Each volume focuses on a particular legal topic. All but the last few volumes can be accessed for free using the 'Sc.St.L. Database'. The  Scandinavian Studies in Law website also includes a list of abbreviations used in the series, and a help page.

World Legal Information Institute Catalog : Eastern Europe

This website is part of the World Legal Information Institute's Catalog of websites. Under each country there are standard headings for courts and case law, government, legislation, lawyers etc. In addition there are more detailed subject headings (Banking and Finance law or intellectual property for example) which vary from country to country. It is also possible to search for terms across the whole Eastern European section. Suggestions for new links can be submitted by email. The site is in English, with Babel Fish Translation available.

Legal Information in Norway, Written and Electronic Sources

An online research guide to Norwegian legal sources and legal literature written by Pal A. Bertnes at the Faculty of Law Library, University of Oslo. The guide is intended for English-speaking law students at Oslo University. It includes an introduction to the Norwegian legal system, finding primary and secondary legal sources, a guide to the law library at the University of Oslo, useful contacts in Norway and a bibliography. There is background information to the history of Norwegian law, the courts of justice and recommended introductory works on the legal system.

Portal service for online Norwegian legal information, created jointly by the Norwegian Bar Association, the Norwegian Association of Lawyers and the Centre for Continuing Legal Education (Juristenes Utdanningssenter). This is a freely accessible Norwegian language site offering links to online resources such as laws, regulations, case law, preparatory works, legal theory and the websites of government departments, law firms and societies. The site also publishes news and general information about courses, conferences, events and publications.

Supreme Court of Norway

Official website of the Norwegian Supreme Court (Høyesterett). The English version has an introduction to the Court, summaries of judgments from 2000 to the present and speeches given by Supreme Court justices. The Norwegian version of the site has full-text judgments from 2008 onwards, an outline of court procedures, news, articles and speeches. There is also a Sami version of the site.

Constitution of Norway

The Constitution of Norway is available in English on the website the Norwegian Parliament. The Constitution was adopted in 1814 and this version incorporates amendments up to 2016 (at the time of writing). Areas covered include the form of government and religion, the executive, legislative and judicial powers, the king and the royal family, the rights of citizens and general provisions.

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