
World Law: Netherlands

Netherlands section of WorldLII's Countries service. A full range of browse and search features are available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to: Courts, Education, Government, Legislation, Other Indexes, Parliament, and Treaties and International Agreements. Additional subject areas include: Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property and Privacy. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to the Netherlands on all of the WorldLII catalog or databases.


Free database of treaty information on the Dutch government website, Covers treaties to which the Netherlands is a party and/or the depositary. Includes the title, the date the treaty came into force, the parties, where the treaty is published, renunciations, declarations and depositary notifications. Provides links to the text of each treaty in the Tractatenblad ('Treaty Series') or other official sources, in Dutch. The search interface is available in either English or Dutch.

RePub (EUR Repository)

RePub is the Erasmus University Digital Repository, an open access collection of research literature produced by staff and students at the University in Rotterdam. Categories within the School of Law collection include materials from the Center for Informatics and Law, the Erasmus Center for Law and Society and the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics. There are also sections covering European law and private law and a collection of dissertations. The collection can be browsed by author, title or date or searched by keyword.

Utrecht Law Review

The Utrecht Law Review is an open-access peer-reviewed journal published by the Law Faculty at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The journal publishes cross-border legal research, covering private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, European and public international law.

Dutch Advertising Code

The Dutch Advertising Code is available here on the website of the Dutch Advertising Code Authority. This publication provides information about the Advertising Code Committee's function, procedures and codes which regulate the Dutch advertising industry. Sub-sections include procedures in case of cross-border advertising, complaint handling, and decisions on a complaint, including appeal procedures. The second section of the document describes the body of rules and regulations as laid down in the code, by which all Dutch forms of advertising are bound.

International Institute of Air and Space Law

Website of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, which is based at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The institute's work includes teaching at graduate and post-graduate level, conducting research and providing advice and information to governments, international organisations and airlines. Its website includes information about the work of the Institute, the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group and the International Air Law Moot Court.

Ius Mentis

The website Ius Mentis is a Dutch-language resource guide to intellectual property law in the field of computers, programming and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generally. The site is produced by Arnoud Engelfriet an IT-lawyer and patent attorney and is intended for those with an ICT background as well as lawyers. The site is divided into a number of sections relating to particular aspects of intellectual property law in the ICT context, including patents, copyright, trademarks, database rights and software.

Netherlands legislation

Collection of links to Dutch laws made freely available on the Lexadin website as part of their World Law Guide. Lexadin is a legal technology service based in the Netherlands. Laws are arranged by subject including constitutional, electoral, administrative, criminal, civil, company, employment, health, banking, environmental, communications and intellectual property law. There are laws covering litigation and court procedure and links to government departments and other organisations providing access to Dutch law.

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