Law by Subject Area

Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository

The Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository is an Open Access, freely available database of research literature produced by staff at the Duke Law School. The collection can be browsed by subject or year or searched using a simple or advanced search option which enables you to search a variety of field including author, title, keyword, subject eprint type or date. Materials include journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers and preprints. The records provide bibliographic details, an abstract and a link to the full-text in PDF.

RePub (EUR Repository)

RePub is the Erasmus University Digital Repository, an open access collection of research literature produced by staff and students at the University in Rotterdam. Categories within the School of Law collection include materials from the Center for Informatics and Law, the Erasmus Center for Law and Society and the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics. There are also sections covering European law and private law and a collection of dissertations. The collection can be browsed by author, title or date or searched by keyword.

Foreign law: subject law collections on the web

Online guide to foreign law collections on the Web written by Charlotte Bynum who is assistant director and reference librarian focusing on foreign and international law at the Tulane Law Library. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide recommends selected collections of national laws arranged by subject and provides links and a short introduction to each resource.

bepress Legal Repository

The bepress Legal Repository is a collection of freely available, law-related working papers contributed by a network of academic and research organisations and hosted on the Berkeley Electronic Press website. Indexed working paper collections cover topics including employment law, general law, health law and policy, intellectual property law, law and economics, law and society, public law and legal theory and taxation. The repository can be browsed by working paper collection, subject or institution and papers can be searched using a simple or advanced search facility.

Law Reform Project

This WorldLII project aims to make searchable from one location all of the Law Reform databases available on WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute). The Law Reform Database currently includes publications from the Law Commissions of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, Scotland, South Africa and England and Wales. It is possible to search the full-text or just title words of publications included. It is also possible to browse publications from each Law Commission individually.

World Legal Information Institute Catalog: Western Europe

This website is part of the World Legal Information Institute's Catalog of websites. Under each country there are standard headings for courts and case law, government,legislation, lawyers etc. In addition there are more detailed subject headings (Banking and Finance law or Intellectual Property, for example) which vary from country to country. It is also possible to search for terms across the whole Western European section. Suggestions for new links can be submitted by email. The site is in English, with Babel Fish Translation available.

Online Law Books

Website providing links to a collection of freely available online law books edited by John Mark Ockerbloom and hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Library. Each book listed has author and title details, the name of the website which holds the book and the format in which the book is made available. Other information includes related subject headings and a list of titles filed under related and broader terms. Most of the books are presented in HTML with a few made available as PDF documents. The site provides a page of links to software downloads for other formats.

Legal Newsletters

Website of the International Law Office in London a company providing free access to a collection of free online legal newsletters. The newsletters can be browsed by law firm name, subject and jurisdiction or searched using keywords. Subject areas include banking, information technology, intellectual property, insurance, media, litigation and white collar crime. Most sections contain an overview of the subject with updates on more specific topics. Free registration is required to access the site.


Lexology is a subscription legal research service run by Law Business Research Ltd. The website contains articles, research reports and training videos produced by law firms, covering market intelligence, legal analysis and know-how from jurisdictions all around the world. Free registration provides access to legal news and a worldwide directory of legal experts.

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