Law by Subject Area

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a gateway to open-access scholarly journals, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science, humanities and law. To be included in the directory a journal must be full text, free of charge and must be peer-reviewed or subject to editorial quality-control. Journals and their articles are classified using a Library of Congress tree structure that can be browsed or searched. Around 800 law journals are included.

Childwatch International Research Network

Childwatch International Research Network is a global network of organisations doing interdisciplinary research in the area of children’s rights. The Childwatch Secretariat is based at the University of Oslo in Norway. The website carries details of Childwatch’s projects and research work. Topics covered include child labour, children and children’s rights and child poverty. A selection of reports can be downloaded from the site.

Piracy trials

This website provides access to a digitised collection of pre-1923 piracy trials held by the Law Library of Congress in the United States. For each publication there is a catalogue record, brief title, the date of the trial and a link to the digital version of the full text book. The dates of the trials range from 1696 to 1904 and include trials that took place in a range of jurisdictions including Scotland, England, the United States and Canada.

Primary sources on copyright (1450 to 1900)

This website is provided by the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge. It covers the evolution of copyright law in Britain, Germany, France, Italy and the United States from 1450 to 1900. Documents available on the site include statutes, judicial decisions, contracts, treatises and privileges; for each one users can view the digital image, a transcription, commentary and, in some cases, a translation. The database can be searched by keyword or browsed by legislation, case law, institution, place or person.

International Competition Network

Website of the International Competition Network (ICN) an informal, virtual network of competition agencies from 92 jurisdictions. The aim of the ICN is to promote “more efficient and effective antitrust enforcement worldwide to the benefit of consumers and businesses.” The site has a directory of members with contact details and links to websites. Details of work groups, which cover advocacy, agency effectiveness, cartels, mergers and unilateral conduct, are given along with links to handbooks and reports.

Canine detection evidence

Online guide focusing on the use of canine scent detection evidence in US law, by Ken Strutin, Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The article was published in 2010 on (Law Library Resource Xchange) a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

London Institute of Space Policy and Law

The London Institute of Space Policy and Law (ISPL) brings together legal practitioners and academics in the field of space law conducting research and providing educational programs for policy-makers, lawyers, the judiciary, government, administrators and students. The website provides information on projects and events offered by the ISPL along with details of the Advisory Board and Faculty. There is a page of links to other space law and policy resources and organisations worldwide. The ISPL is based in London and is associated with the Institute of Advanced legal Studies.

WIPO Reference

Portal to the World Intellectual Property Organization's collections of intellectual property resources and information. From this page is is possible to search the following databases: PATENTSCOPE (national and international patent information); Brands (various trademark databases); classifications of patents, marks and designs; domain name dispute information; national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO and UN Members; international registrations of industrial designs and the full text of WIPO standards, recommendations and guidelines.

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