Law of the Sea

Tulane Maritime Law Journal

The Tulane Maritime Law Journal (ISSN 1048-3748), formerly The Maritime Lawyer, is a student-edited journal published twice a year by Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana. The journal features articles by faculty members, students and practitioners discussing US and international maritime law topics. The website provides all the contents lists from volume 1 (1975) to volume 37 (2013), together with cumulative indexes by title and subject.

Canadian Maritime Law Association

Official website for the Canadian Maritime Law Association (CMLA), an independent body working with government to develop legal provision for maritime commerce and marine transportation in Canada. The Association also represents Canada within the international shipping community working towards uniform development of Canadian and international maritime laws.

Coastal Zone Policy

This site, part of the European Commission Environment website, focuses on the Demonstration Programme on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) which ran between 1996 to 1999. The Programme aimed to "provide technical information about sustainable coastal zone management, and stimulate a broad debate among the various actors involved in the planning, management or use of European coastal zones." Amongst the information contained on the website, are the Forum's Conclusions, Publications, Tourism Studies, and an Assessment, best-practice and case-study report.

Federal Maritime Commission

Established in 1961, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is "an independent regulatory agency responsible for the regulation of oceanborne transportation in the foreign commerce of the U.S." The site contains: full text of relevant legislation; details of Commission bureaux and offices; Commission rules; and speeches and news releases from 1997 onwards; as well as more specific information relevant to specific regulated entities.

International Seabed Authority

ISA was formed in 1994 and is an "autonomous international organization established under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 1994 Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The principal function of the Authority is to regulate deep seabed mining.

Avalon Project: the United Nations Documents

A set of documents concerning the foundation of the United Nations and its several divisions, provided online by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Includes the UN Charter and other charters and statutes relating to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation; the International Courts of Justice; the World Health Organisation; the International Refugee Organisation, the World Meteorological Organisation; and the International Maritime Convention Organisation.

Andrew Moore & Associates Ltd

Andrew Moore & Associates Ltd provide a wide range of Marine Consultancy and Survey services to international clients with interests in the Far East and elsewhere. The website contains details of company aims and consultancy services, individual profiles of company consultants, and company contact details.

Bonn Agreement

The Bonn Agreement was inaugurated in 1983, and is an agreement for European cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances, by offering mutual assistance and co-operation in combating pollution; executing surveillance as an aid to detecting and combating pollution; and preventing violations of anti-pollution regulations. The Agreement is a commitment by North Sea coastal states, together with the EC.

London Maritime Arbitrators Association

Contained on the site is information about the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), including the LMAA terms (2006); small claims procedures; FALCA (fast and low cost arbitration) terms and notes; the Arbitration Act 2006; Mediation terms; details on becoming a member of the Association and directory of members. The site also has summaries of awards; information about forthcoming events and links to related sites.

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