
Studio legale Tedioli

Website of Italian law firm, Tedioli. The firm is based in Mantova and specialises in agricultural, commercial, corporate, civil, family and insolvency law and arbitration. As well as information on Tedioli's staff and services a number of freely available legal resources are also provided. The News section has information relating to legal developments in Italy including recent legislation and judgements. There are also in house articles covering the various practice areas which can be downloaded from the site.


Subscription website consisting of thirty databases of Italian case law, legislation, codes and commentary, provided by the Italian Ministry of Justice. The content is available in Italian only, but the site offers English and French interfaces.


Normattiva (formerly 'Norme in Rete') is an Italian government project to provide free access to Italian legislation. It makes available a database of all Italian legislation published in the Official Gazette from 1861 to the present, in the original version, the current version, or a historical version from a specified date. The Constitution and codes are also provided, as amended, and there is a search engine for regional legislation. The site is entirely in Italian.

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