
National Human Rights Commission, India

Website of the National Human Rights Commission, India. A body set up by Indian statute in 1993, the Commission has a legal mandate to protect and promote human rights in India. The site includes information on the composition of the Commission and a full-text copy of the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993.There are selected human rights case summaries and details of programmes of work being undertaken by the Commission covering issues such as the abolition of bonded labour, the right to food and the rights of the disabled.

World Law: India

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering India. A full range of browse and search features are available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Courts, Education, Government, Law Journals, Legislation, Parliament, Publishers and Booksellers and Treaties. Additional subject areas include Alternative Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, Citizenship and Migration, Companies, Consumer Protection, Criminal Law, Environment, Family Law, Foreign Investment, Human Rights, Insolvency Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property and Taxation, Revenue and Customs.

Supreme Court of India

Website for the Supreme Court of India, providing background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court. Court rules of the court are available on the site, along with profiles of the Chief Justice and the judges of the Supreme Court. There are links to the Indian Courts, full-text judgments, cause lists and the Indian Code.

Ministry of Law and Justice, India

Official Website for the Government of India's Ministry of Law and Justice. The site explains the work of the Ministry. The section on the Department of Legal Affairs describes the organisational set-up and functions of the Department. The Department of Justice section provides information about the Supreme Court, High Courts and Family Court. The Legislative Department web pages provide information about the Constitution of India, and a Chronological table of acts enacted from 1834 onwards with history of subsequent amendments.


Helplinelaw is a gateway site to Indian legal information provided by a 'virtual' law firm with associates in India and other countries. Full text Indian laws are made freely available on the site arranged alphabetically and by legal subject covering banking, environmental, criminal, immigration, employment, consumer and property law. There is also a directory of Indian lawyers and selected information for other jurisdictions.


The JUDIS (Judgment Information System) service forms part of the Indian Courts Website and is made available by the Courts Informatics Division at the Ministry Of Communications and Information Technology. The site provides access to legal decisions from the Indian courts included reported cases from the Supreme Court of India from 1950 onwards. Also included are cases from the High Courts of Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bombay, Madras, Bombay, Allahabad, Gauhati, Chattisgarh and Kerala. Cases from the Delhi District Court can also be viewed on the site.

Indian Legislation

A LIIofIndia database containing Indian acts from 1836 to date. Acts can be browsed alphabetically and by date. The information can also be viewed using the system's comprehensive search facility or act name search. Full text acts are presented in HTML. The information is based on the India Code Information System (INCODIS) and provided by the National Informatics Centre at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Legal Information Institute of India(LIIofIndia) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials from India.

Commonwealth Legal Information Institute

The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) is a cooperative legal information initiative led by AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) providing access to freely available legal materials from all Commonwealth countries. CommonLII contains over 400 databases providing case law, legislation, treaties and law reform reports from more than 50 Commonwealth and common law countries and territories.

Constitution of India

Full text online copy of the 1949 Constitution of India, amended up to 2019, and made freely available on the Indian government portal. The full text is provided in PDF and the document includes sections on the functions and powers of the main branches of government, including the executive, legislative and the judiciary. It also sets out the rights and responsibilities of the individual citizen in India.

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