Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Law

Australian Human Rights Commission

Website of the Australian Human Rights Commission, a government body set up in 1986 to protect human rights and equal opportunities in Australia. The site describes the work of the Commission providing links to relevant legislation, details of its functions and powers and profiles of the Commissioners. Submissions on various issues to State Parliaments, Courts, Inquiries and the United Nations are made available in full text online.

Egale Canada

Egale is a civil rights group which is campaigning for equal rights for gay, lesbians and homosexuals in Canada. Key topics of concern include same-sex marriage rights and employment equality. The website includes details of the aims of the organisation and its current campaigns. It also offers news stories relating to Canadian legal developments, significant court cases and rulings. Information is offered in English or French.

Natalie Gamble Associates

Website of Natalie Gamble Associates a UK law firm specialising in English fertility law and parenting law. The site provides biographical information on solicitors Natalie Gamble and Louisa Ghevaert, information on the services offered by the firm and a blog. There is also background information and guidance on the following topics: donor conception and co-parenting; surrogacy; embryos, sperm and eggs and parenting and children.

State-sponsored homophobia

Series of reports issued every year or so by The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World). Available in English and Spanish, they provide a worldwide survey of national legal systems and laws, highlighting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal is a US legal and educational advocacy organisation representing lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people with HIV who are fighting discrimination. The site provides information relating to Lambda's work and background to legal issues concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. There is also background information to key issues Lambda is concerned with including employment rights, marriage and family law, youth, HIV, rights of transgender people, fair and impartial courts and immigration.

Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy

The Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law carries out multidisciplinary research and policy analysis regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. Its website has details of the Institute's projects and provides its policy papers, reports and briefings. LGBT FAQs are available, together with shareable infographics, interactive data and recommendations for carrying out surveys focusing on sexual orientation and gender identity.

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