Education Law

NEAR - Network for Education and Academic Rights

The website of the Network for Education and Academic Rights (NEAR) a non-governmental organisation concerned with the promotion of academic freedom and/or human rights in education. NEAR was established in June 2001 and is supported by UNESCO. The site includes information about the organisation, an alerting and archiving service, a notice board, and links to other related websites.

Statutes of Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231

Web pages containing an English translation of the Statutes of Pope Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231, as published in English originally by the University of Pennsylvania Press, 1897, pp.7-11, and presented on the Internet by Paul Halsall. Gregory's Statutes concern the relations between the Chancellor of the University and the Bishop of Paris, the appointment of the Chancellor, the licensing of masters of theology, and the licensing of masters in medicine and arts.

Center for Law and Education

Website of the United States Center for Law and Education (CLE) an advocacy and support organisation whose aim is to improve educational outcomes, particularly for low-income students. The site gives background and historical information about the CLE and provides details of the Center's projects. These focus on the educational rights of disabled students, Community Action for Public Schools working to improve the quality of public education and a project aiming to improve the Title 1 program.

Brown v. Board of Education Digital Archive

A digital archive containing documents and images relating to Brown v. Board of Education a landmark case which ended legal segregation in American schools in the 1950's. The archive is hosted by the University of Michigan Library in the United States. The site has summaries of, and links to the full-text of Supreme Court cases relating to segregation issues in U.S. schools along with a selection of reports relating specifically to desegregation in Ann Arbor.

Office of the Schools Adjudicator

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) which was set up under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Schools Adjudicators make decisions relating to school organisation issues and admission arrangements in cases that cannot be resolved locally. The website provides access to the decisions of the OSA. If these decisions have been subject to judicial review these proceedings are also included online. There are profiles of the Schools Adjudicators, guidance to the process and copies of the relevant legislation that is linked to on the site.

Education Law Unit

The Education Law Unit is an initiative of the Govan Law Centre, an independent, charitable community controlled law centre in Scotland. The Unit can provide legal representation in education law cases and the website has information on education law in Scotland for anyone who advises children with special educational needs or their parents. There are links to education law news stories and full text cases the Govan Law Centre has been involved with.

Education Law Association

Web pages of the US Education Law Association (ELA) which is based at the University of Dayton's School of Education in Ohio. The ELA is a non-profit organisation whose members include educational and legal scholars and practitioners. The site has information about ELA publications including yearbooks, newsletters, case citations, monographs and conference materials. There are also details of ELA events and other education law related events and a page of links to other education law websites. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

First-Tier Tribunal - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

The First-Tier Tribunal -Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) forms part of the Tribunals Service and hears appeals from parents of children with special educational needs against decisions made by local education authorities (LEAs) regarding their children's education. The Tribunal was previously know as the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST). The site has sections aimed at parents and LEAs providing guidance on how to appeal, facts and figures about the Tribunal and information on the role and powers of the Tribunal.

Govan Law Centre

Website of the Govan Law Centre (GLC) which provides free and low cost legal services for disadvantaged people in Scotland. The site has information about the GLC and its work (including a copy of their annual report) along with contact details for other law centres in Scotland. There is a selection of guides to common legal problems including consumer law, bankruptcy, debt, housing law and neighbour nuisance and a range of money advice resources covering mortgage repossession, benefits and small claims.

Disability Law Service

The Disability Law Service (DLS) is a UK charity providing information and advice for disabled people.  Its website has information about the DLS and its work, including its annual reports. Factsheets are provided on assessment of and services for disabled children, special educational needs, benefits and driving licences for disabled people. There is also information on training courses and campaigns, together with news and useful links.

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