
British Society of Criminology

The British Society of Criminology aims to "further the interests and knowledge, both academic and professional, of persons engaged in any aspect of teaching and research, or in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge, about crime and criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom". The Society publishes a newsletter four times a year and a conference is held every two years. Its website gives details of branch meetings.

Western Criminology Review

Western Criminology Review is the official journal of the Western Society of Criminology at Sonoma State University. The goal of WCR is to 'provide an attractive and meaningful outlet for academic areas in criminology and criminal justice'. This site provides peer reviewed papers published in full online in the fields of criminology and social justice. Readers are able to respond to articles and reader comments are subject to peer review. Both the current and past issues are available online.

Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security

Website for a research centre established by Osgoode Hall Law School (York University, Ontario, Canada) and "focusing on three thematic pillars ¹ human rights, crime and security". The site offers information about the centre's research programme and publications supported by an online newsletter, provides access to an Organized Crime and Corruption Bibliographic Database, and publishes an HTML version of "Organized Crime in North America - a Bibliography" compiled by Stephen Schneider.

Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit, University of Oxford

Web pages for the University of Oxford's Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit. The site describes the history, work and resources of the Centre and Unit which involves empirical research into current problems of criminal and penal policy in the UK. The site outlines the courses, seminars, publications and research projects undertaken by the Centre. Information about the Centre's Library, contact details for staff members and information on job vacancies are also given. Additionally a list of links to other relevant sites is provided.

Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

A series of research papers published by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), aiming to be informative and topical. Papers in the series aim to provide quality information so as to inform government decisions that will assist in the promotion of justice and prevention of crime. Subjects covered by the papers focus on Australian legal matters relating to a wide range of criminology and criminal justice issues such as policing, sentencing, fraud, and drug-related crime. Papers are published monthly and are made freely available to download from the AIC website in full-text PDF.

Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, The

The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice is published by Wiley (formerly by Blackwells) and is concerned with "all major aspects of the criminal justice process, penal policy and crime prevention". It is an interdisciplinary journal "combining articles with comments and reviews, providing a thorough coverage of both the theory and practice of criminal justice and the study of crime and criminals. Each issue includes a Penal Policy File summarising the latest developments in criminal justice policy."

Centre for Law and Society

The Centre for Law and Society is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh. Established in 1983, it researches criminology and legal theory. The website gives details of the Centre's publications, seminars and current areas of research. There is also information about postgraduate courses, conferences and the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime Project.

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS)

The Centre is "an independent charity at King's College London that informs and educates about all aspects of crime and the criminal justice system". CCJS publishes the 'British Journal of Criminology' and produces a quarterly magazine, 'Criminal Justice Matters' .The site provides online access to the centre's publications and a list of archived publications. There is an events diary listing forthcoming conferences, seminars and meetings on criminal justice; and a news section giving access to press releases, articles, and consultation responses. is the website of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology and The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Section on Critical Criminology. The site aims to link scholars with interests in critical criminology by providing access to a collection of critical papers and web links to related resources.Topics covered include criminology theory, police, courts, corrections, sentencing, critical race theory, victimology, youth and crime and internet and the media.

Australian Institute of Criminology

The Institute is the national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and for the dissemination of criminal justice information. The site contains selected publications and conference papers, a Directory of Australian Researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, statistics, research groups, press releases and links to related sites and information.

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