
Kluwer Arbitration Blog

Arbitration blog written by expert academic lawyers and practitioners from around the world. Comments on court decisions, arbitral awards and other developments in the field of arbitration. Can be browsed by category, date or contributor, or searched, and RSS feeds are available. The blog is run by publishing company Kluwer Law International.

International Arbitration Attorney Network

Website of the International Arbitration Attorney Network, a group founded by lawyer William Kirtley of Franco-American law firm Dugué and Kirtley. In addition to advertising the Network, the site provides a large amount of information about international arbitration law and practice. This includes a guide to finding arbitration case law on the internet; information about arbitration clauses and third-party funding of cases; an ICC Cost Calculator; a set of links to freely available books and book extracts (under ‘Online Arbitration Library’).

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

The aim of the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS), or German Institution of Arbitration, is to promote arbitration nationally and internationally. The site provides various legal texts relating to arbitration in Germany, including the 1998 Arbitration Act, plus the DIS's own arbitration rules, model arbitration clause, schedule of costs and costs calculator (all in German, English and other languages). There is a database of German arbitration case summaries (in both English and German, for the most part). DIS publications are listed and can be ordered online.

ADR Group : Alternative Dispute Resolution

Web pages of ADR Group, founded in 1989 and specialists in providing mediation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The website is also intended for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Network, ADR-NET, with a password-protected members only area. All the other features are freely available: news, details of events and training courses on ADR, and information about the ADR Group. The site also offers a form to send messages and enquiries to the Group, and a form to refer a case to them.

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

Web pages of the UK Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the professional body for arbitrators founded in 1915, which aims to promote arbitration as an alternative method of dispute resolution to litigation. The website presents information on different aspects of the Institute's work and services including training courses and news items. There is a link to the Institute's wholly owned subsidiary, IDRS providing details of their commercial and consumer dispute services. Other areas of the site are restricted to members only.

Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration

The Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration provides a permanent arbitration institution hearing national and international commercial disputes in Lithuania. It is an amalgamation of two Lithuanian arbitration institutions- the Arbitration Court at the Association International Chamber of Commerce Lithuania and the Vilnius International Commercial Arbitration. The site is available in Lithuanian, Russian and English and includes a copy of the Law on Commercial Arbitration of the Republic of Lithuania and various news items.

Atkinson Law

Website of Atkinson Law a company providing information on construction law and dispute resolution services including arbitration, adjudication and mediation. As well as giving details of the services the company provides there is a database of case digests relating to the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and a collection of in-house articles dealing with construction law, adjudication and mediation. The site also provides a comprehensive collection of links relating to construction law.

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Website of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [also known as Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS)], an independent institution originally established by the International Olympic Committee. The Court hears cases on sports law topics such as nationality, adjudication, sponsorship, and doping. The website provides all non-confidential decisions of the Court, together with the CAS code and statutes. Information is available on the mission and structure of CAS, arbitration and related matters. The site is available in English and French.

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