Law Theses online services included in Eagle-i

From 1945 to 2011 a copy of each law PhD thesis from all colleges of the University of London was deposited at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library. This arrangement has now ceased and in future each college will keep law theses by its own students with the expectation that they will also be available electronically (through Ethos). At present IALS intends to keep all its collection of theses but this might be reconsidered depending on digitisation of past theses which has so far been done only on a very selective basis.

You can search and browse a list of the theses held at IALS by searching for the classmark Thesis on the IALS Library catalogue and then limiting your search results by words in the title or subject or by author.

The following services provide access to selected Law Theses online:

IALS Law Theses

IALS section of SAS-Space
A collection of theses and dissertations written by IALS research students is available online in the IALS student section of the School of Advanced Study's E-repository, SAS-Space:

Some Law Theses collections and resources

DART- Europe E-theses portal
Online access to Theses provided by a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses:

The British Library's Electronic Theses Online System - aiming to open access to UK Theses in many disciplines including Law. Search across 300,000+ theses for free and order full text. For search form see For project info see:

Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA)
ERA is a digital repository of original research produced at the University of Edinburgh. The service includes selected digital copies of theses and dissertations written by University of Edinburgh students For the School of Law collection and law thesis and dissertation collection see:

Hong Kong Theses Online
Collection of Theses from many subjects, including Law, made freely available online by the HKU Scholars Hub - the institutional repository of The University of Hong Kong which aims to make HKU authors and their research visible and discoverable:

Monash Repository
A collection of dissertations and theses from Monash University students stored and made freely available for research through the Monash University Research Repository. Select the Collection called "Monash University Theses" to focus your search:

NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
A collection of electronic theses and dissertations provided through links to university and institutional repositories that include theses and dissertations in full text - based on information drawn from over 160 NDLTD member institutions from countries such as: including the USA, South America, China, UK, Singapore and South Africa:

PQDT Open from ProQuest provides the full text of selected open access dissertations and theses free of charge. Includes 82+ law dissertations and theses. The documents are available in PDF format:

Queen Mary Research Online
The Queen Mary Research Online service (QMRO) is an open access institutional repository of research output, containing full content images, text and audio files pertaining to research undertaken at Queen Mary, University of London.  QMRO also holds the eThesis collection; in particular the electronic copies of Theses awarded from 2009-, and also digitised theses provided to the College as part of the BL EThOS programme:

Stanford Dissertations & Theses
A chronological collection of abstracts and full text electronic copies of dissertations and theses from Stanford Law School Advanced Degree Students:

National Library of Australia service giving access to doctoral, masters and some honours theses from all Australian and New Zealand universities and others higher degree institutions. Also includes some theses awarded overseas but held by Australian institutions.

CLRT Current Legal Research Topics
This IALS open access database lists subjects of research in progress by students of law in the UK, and is presented for information only. Please note that the research listed is currently underway, and has not yet been completed. Therefore these dissertations are not yet available through libraries or other channels.

Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984
This IALS open access database provides a list of legal theses and dissertations successfully completed for postgraduate degrees awarded by universities and polytechnics in the United Kingdom from 1905-984.

Index to Theses
This subscription database, with access often provided through libraries, offers comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland since 1716. Class code b7 is used for Law.