Law Library Associations
New Zealand Law Librarians Group Conference Report
(Report of the New Zealand Law Librarians' Group 1994 Annual Conference in Auckland).
OSALL session at the SAILIS Conference, Esselen Park on 21
September 1994: legal information for all
(Report of the OSALL seesion held at the 1994 South African Institute of Librarianship and Information Science Conference).
OSALL Annual General Meeting 1994
(Report of the Organization of South African Law Libraries AGM held on 10th August 1994).
From the President
(Benefits of an AALL representative attending the annual meetings of other national and international law library associations).
AALL 87th Annual Meeting, July 9-14, 1994, Seattle, Washington
(Report of 1994 AALL Annual Meeting by a Canadian Law Libraries representative).
A note from the Treasurer
(Future plans for AALL finances).
AALL Executive Staff retreat
(Report of a two-day retreat to discuss skills training for AALL staff, the improvement of services to AALL members and to develop the AALL Long Range Plan).