UK Legal Research Completed 1905-1984: Abbreviations List

Abbreviations List for Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984

Acad. PG. Dip. in Law Academic Postgraduate Diploma in Law
B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law
B.Litt. Bachelor of Letters
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science
CNAA Council for National Academic Awards
Dip. Comp. Law Diploma in Comparative Law
Dip. Comp. Leg. Stud. Diploma in Comparative Legal Studies
Dip. in Law Diploma in Law
Dip. Int. Law Diploma in International Law
D.Litt. Doctor of Letters
D.Phil. Doctor of Philosophy
KC King's College, University of London
LL.D. Doctor of Laws
LL.M. Master of Laws
LSE London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London
M.A. Master of Arts
M.Ed. Master of Education
M.Jur. Master of Jurisprudence
M.Laws Master of Laws
M.Litt. Master of Letters
M.Phil. Master of Philosophy
M.Sc. Master of Science
M.Sc.Econ. Master of Science (Economics)
M.Soc.Sci. Master of Social Science
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
QM Queen Mary, University of London
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
UC University College London, University of London
UWIST University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology