Bundesgesetzblatt [Federal Legal gazette]

Bundesministerium der Justiz
Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, Postf. 1320, 53003 Bonn
Web resource 1 description:
Teil 1 and Teil 2. This offers a "read only" version of Teil 1 free of charge from 1998 and Teil 2 from 2002 , with the print function disabled.
Web resource 2 description:
Fee-based access to Teil 1 and Teil 2 from 1949 is available from the Gesetzesportal
Web resource 3 description:
Free access to Teil 1 only is available from the Parliamentsspiegel web site from 1980. Search facilities are limited to formal criteria only, date, issue number and page.
Web resource 4 description:
The Recht für Deutschland site offers free access to Teil 1 and Teil 2 from 1949, but requires registration and the downloading of some viewer software.
Web resource 5 description:
As a result of a project at Saarbrücken, issues of both Teil 1 and Teil 2 from October 1990 to December 1997 are available free of charge in electronic form (searchable full text, not facsimile)
Part title
Index: Bundesgesetzblatt. Fundstellennachweis A. Bundesrecht ohne volkerrechtliche Vereinbarungen und Vertrage mit der ehemaligen DDR. [Index to domestic law]

From 1951 the Bundesgesetzblatt has been published in two parts. Teil 1 contains laws, ordinances, orders and ministerial notices and Teil 2 contains international treaties and agreements. Between 1958 and 1969 a Teil 3, Sammlung des Bundesrechts, was published. This was a digest of federal statutes in force as of the end of 1963.