Lovtidende for Kongeriget Danmark

Web resource 1 description:
Retsinformation (Legal Information) is the official online legal information system of the Danish State. It was established in 1985 and contains all Acts of the Parliament and Statutory Orders, circulars, etc issued by the administration. It includes Bills and Parliamentary debates and resolutions. All documents are in Danish. There are links off the home page to Lovtidende A from 1995, Lovtidende C from 2000 and Ministerialtidende from 1995.
Web Resource 2:
Web resource 2 description:
Lovtidende A, B and C have been published in electronic form only since January 2008
Web resource 3 description:
Ministerialtidende has been published in electronic form only since January 2008
Part title
Lovtidende for Kongeriget Danmark … B

Published in three parts as follows: Part A. Statutes, Ordinances, Ministerial Regulations and Orders; Part B. Budget Laws and Naturalization Orders; Part C. International Agreements