Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Urzedu Rady Ministrów
Web Resource 1:
Web resource 1 description:
The Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych (Online Law Information System) maintained by the Chancellery of the Sejm contains the full texts of the Dziennik Ustaw and the Monitor Polski from 1918 and 1930 respectively along with unified texts of laws
Web Resource 2:
Web resource 2 description:
The full text of the Monitor Polski and Dziennik Ustaw is also available free from 1995
Web Resource 3:
Web resource 3 description:
Free access to full text of the Monitor Polski and Dziennik Ustaw in PDF from 1995. Interface in Polish or English.
Web Resource 4:
Web resource 4 description:
Indexes for the archive editions of Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Dz.U.), Dziennik Urzedowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej „Monitor Polski” (MP) on the Centrum Obslugi Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów
(Service of the Prime Minister Office Centre) site.
(Service of the Prime Minister Office Centre) site.
1992-1994 missing from shelf
No gaps of more than a year
No gaps of more than a year
In Poland there are two official gazettes: Dziennik ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej and Monitor Polski. Dziennik ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej contains governmental statutes and decrees; orders issued by the President of the Polish Republic, the Council of State, the Council of Ministers as well as by individual Ministries; texts of international treaties; contents of national budget, announcements by the Prime Minister. Indexed annually.