Mailing lists and discussion groups

H-Law discussion network

Section of the H-Net electronic discussion list and directory dedicated to legal issues. The service is sponsored by the American Society for Legal History with editorial work on the Law list undertaken at San Francisco State University. The site posts material furthering scholarly, intellectual and professional dialogue on legal history and constitutional issues. Discussion logs can be viewed by author, subject and date and discussion threads are arranged by topic including aboriginal law, copyright, juries, legal historiography, the Holocaust and slavery.

human-rights-50 mailing list archive

This list is to encourage academic discourse on the impact of the International Declaration of Human Rights 50 years on. Open to researchers and students, this list seeks to explore current issues and questions of the future relevance of the declaration & to be a general information resource. The site contains an archive of all messages submitted to the list (they are retained for 2 years) which can be interrogated using the free text or keyword search facility.

Mental Health Law Online

WikiMentalHealth is a wiki covering mental health law in England and Wales, set up by Jonathan Wilson, a solicitor specialising in mental health law; it is mainly intended for mental health practitioners. It has a case law section with commentaries on mental health cases, organised by topic. Legislation dealing with mental health is also available, along with human rights and criminal legislation. Guidance is given on the Mental Health Act 1983.

Scottish Competition Law Forum

The Scottish Competition Law Forum (SCLF) is an online discussion site whose aim is to encourage debate on competition law and policy in Scotland. The SCLF was established by Gordon Downie a partner in commercial law firm, Shepherd and Wedderburn. Users of the site are required to register before they can post or reply to messages.

Trusts Discussion Forum

Website of the Trusts Discussion Forum a moderated mailing list aimed at legal practitioners concerned with the "drafting and administration of trusts, wills and other private client issues including taxation." It is administered by STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) but is open to non-members. The message archive can be browsed by subject or in date order and the site search engine enables messages to be searched by keyword or date. Free registration is required to post messages on the site and to receive postings by email.

Labor Law Talk

Labor Law Talk is a moderated United States based message forum focusing on employment law issues. The emphasis is on US law and topics include working hours, pay, discrimination, disability and wrongful dismissal. The site is free to use but you are required to register before you can post messages on the discussion forums. An archive of postings can be browsed by forum and a selection of FAQs provide advice on using Labor Law Talk. The site links to other web resources providing free employment law information.

Irish law discussion list

The Irish law discussion list is an email discussion list concerned with all areas of law relating to Ireland and Northern Ireland. The list is administered by Darius Whelan and hosted by the Faculty of Law at University College Cork on the Irish Law website. List archives go back to 1994 and can be browsed by date or searched by keyword, subject or author. There is guidance on using the list covering subscription, sending messages and technical and privacy issues. Other email lists concerned with Irish law are also mentioned on the site.

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