HE institutions and departments

ICL - Tunisia Index

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. It provides a quick-reference list of dates relating to development and changes to the Tunisian Constitution. The Constitution is available in English as amended to 1991.

Constitution of Spain

Part of the International Constitutional Law project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides an English translation of the 1978 Spanish Constitution, including the August 1992 amendment to Article 13(2). It also provides a quick reference list of dates relating to key dates between 1975 (death of General Franco) and 2000 and links to a small selection of Spanish Government websites.

Hague Academy of International Law

Website of the Hague Academy of International Law, a centre for research and teaching in public and private international law, based at the Peace Palace in The Hague. The site gives background and historical information about the Academy including details of summer and external programmes being offered. The site lists the academics, practitioners and diplomats who are currently running courses at the Academy which does not have a permanent teaching staff. Details of past courses held at the Academy are compiled into a publication called the Collected Courses.

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