
EU Exit Web Archive

The EU Exit Web Archive, maintained by the National Archives, is an online archive of documents providing an official UK reference point for EU law as it stood at the end of the Brexit implementation period. This collection consists of documents taken from EUR-Lex, including Treaties, legislative documents, case law, and the Official Journal of the EU, published up until 11pm GMT on December 31st 2020. The Archive can be searched using filters including keyword, type, date of document, status at EU exit, and language.

South Sudan Peace Process Archive

The South Sudan Peace Process Archive is a project of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). The project focuses on the negotiations of 2013 – 2015 that attempted to end the conflict that began in South Sudan in late 2013. An overview and interactive timeline of the conflict and peace process is given on the site. The archive includes agreements, statements, progress reports, draft proposals, correspondence and other relevant documents which can be searched by date, author, type or keyword. A link to USIP’s other work on peace processes is also given.

Prize Papers

Website of the Prize Papers Project which provides information about and access to documents in the Prize Papers Collection. Prize Papers were collected as a result of the early modern naval practice of prize-taking - capturing ships belonging to enemy countries – and include court papers and letters. The Project is part of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities and is based at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Germany and the National Archives in London.

Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive

The Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) is hosted by Queen's University Belfast. The library at Queen’s is a depository for printed official publications and, since 2015, has focused on the creation of a digital archive of Northern Ireland official publications covering current and previous ministerial departments, independent bodies and other organisations. There’s a description of each department along with their associated agencies and a list of the publications collected. Full text documents are presented in PDF.

German Law Archive

Website of the German Law Archive which publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English its aim being to make German law accessible to any interested users. There is a selection of German legislation along with selected judgements of the Constitutional Court, Federal Court of Justice and higher regional courts. An extensive bibliography of titles on German law in English arranged by legal subject is also given on the site.

UK Web Archive

The UK Web Archive aims to give permanent online access to key UK websites for future generations by preserving ‘snapshots’ of websites over time. The project is jointly provided by the British Library in partnership with the National Library of Wales, JISC and the Wellcome Library. It is possible to search the archive or to browse by category. The category titled ‘Government, Law and Politics’ includes the sub-categories ‘Law and Legal System’ and ‘Crime, Criminology, Police and Prisons.’

Office for National Statistics

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority. Its website makes available a very large collection of economic, social and demographic data, including crime, criminal justice and police statistics, Consumer Price Indices and statistics on company mergers and acquisitions. The Publications section of the site provides articles, bulletins, reports and other materials produced by the ONS.

National Archives

The National Archives is the UK government’s official public archive, a repository of documents going back more than 1000 years. Its website includes Discovery, a catalogue of its holdings with more than 20 million descriptions of records created by central government and the courts of England and Wales. Some of the records in the The National Archives have been digitised and may be downloaded from the site, for a fee. Archived government webpages are also available, free of charge. The website provides a large collection of research guides, several of which are on legal topics.

UK Government Web Archive

The UK Government Web Archive is run by The National Archives. It collects and makes available an archive of snapshots of selected government websites. The chosen websites fall into the broad categories of: Business, industry, economics and finance; Culture and leisure; Environment; Government, politics and public administration; Health, well-being and care; International affairs and defence; People, community and housing; Public order, justice and rights; Transport, communication and technology; and Work, education and skills.

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