United Nations

Treaty Reference Guide

This reference guide is available free on the website of the United Nations Treaty Collection. Part I explains and defines the different types of international instrument, such as treaties, conventions, charters, protocols, declarations, memoranda of understanding and exchanges of notes. Part II is a glossary of terms relating to treaty actions, such as accession, deposit, entry into force, modification, ratification and signature ad referendum. The guide is in available in English or French; html, pdf or plain text versions are provided.

Academy of European Law

The Academy of European Law was established by the European University Institute (EUI) in 1990 to promote teaching and scholarship in the fields of European Union Law and Human Rights Law. It holds annual advanced-level courses on these subjects and publishes the content as Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law. Full details of the courses and the Academy's special projects are given on the website.

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