
World Law: East Timor

Section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service covering East Timor in South East Asia. A range of browse and search features provides access to materials relating to legislation, governmental and non-governmental organisations, treaties and international agreements, lawyers and journals. There are specific sections dealing with human rights, constitutional law, maritime law and refugees and asylum. A stored search will automatically query all of World Law for items about East Timor.

Justice for the Poor

Website of Justice for the Poor (J4P), a World Bank research and development program concerned with the promotion of legal reform in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. There is information on the different aspects of law covered by the program including land and natural resources, conflict, crime and violence, local governance, gender, customary law and labour disputes. There are also pages detailing the work being done in each country. Briefing papers and reports can be downloaded from the site.

Asia Legal Information Network

The Asia Legal Information Network (ALIN) was set up by the Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) in 2003 as a voluntary network of governmental, academic and research organisations willing to provide access to legal information and resources managed by each of them. ALIN offers a small collection of articles, laws, regulations and conference papers. Some resources are restricted to members only.

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