sports law

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Website of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [also known as Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS)], an independent institution originally established by the International Olympic Committee. The Court hears cases on sports law topics such as nationality, adjudication, sponsorship, and doping. The website provides all non-confidential decisions of the Court, together with the CAS code and statutes. Information is available on the mission and structure of CAS, arbitration and related matters. The site is available in English and French.

Sports Lawyers Association

The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a US-based non-profit international professional organisation. Its website has details about the association and its officers, conferences and publications, including The Sports Lawyer Journal and a sports law blog. Some areas of the site are restricted to members only; this includes pages providing specimen contracts and agreements.

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